Many of you already know the story behind Donna’s Denver Football Hat because you follow me on social media. But to catch the rest of you up… Last week, when I was visiting the Red Heart home office, I was surrounded by Panther fans, one of whom is the amazing Donna of the popular Donna’s Dozens.
So, the Panthers fan and the Broncos fan (me) made a friendly bet about the outcome of the Big Game yesterday 🙂
Queue it up and Like it on Ravelry Here
The bet was this: If the Carolina Panthers won, I would wear a Panther’s hat in a video. If the Denver Broncos won, Donna would wear a Bronco hat around the office for a day.
Well, I’m not one to gloat, but …..
So, without further adieu, Donna, here is your hat 😉 And because I know many others will want to make one of their own, I am posting the Free Knit Hat Pattern for Donna’s Denver Football Hat here! (I will try to take better pictures later)
Oh, one last thing: somebody asked me if this is a quick knit. The best way for me to answer that is to tell you that I cast on at the kick-off of Super Bowl 50, and at the last play of the game, I was finished!
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