CEO of Creativebug Ursula Morgan was the smiling voice we heard we heard on the Yarn Thing podcast with Marly Bird today.
Ursula Morgan’s crafting background began in Dublin, Ireland. In school the children are taught to knit, but her household was a crafting one. Her mother knit jumpers (what they call pullovers) that she wore to school. Her mother’s family was very busy, sewing costumes for the big theater productions locally. She dreamed of being a textile designer but was told she couldn’t draw at about an age 13. She listened to that teacher and left that dream behind until about 17. She was encouraged to go back to a career counselor who said when she was tested earlier, that she had scored very high in art, so she crammed and applied to art colleges and got in. Ursula now believes that if anyone believes they are creative and wants to pursue it, they should, the are only limited by what they believe they can or cannot do. [Read more…]