Knit and Crochet Events
Thinking about attending a knit or crochet event? Here is what you need to know before you go. Keep reading for a list of events to check out and some tips on what to expect and what to take.

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Attending a knit or crochet event might be a dream come true for some of you. There are others that will have attended the same event every year for the pat 20 years. Other yet will plan their vacation around know and crochet events and travel the country to see them all.
Below you will find the top reasons to attend an event and what you need to know and bring before you go to your first event.
Why Attend a Knit or Crochet Event-The People:
How many knit and crochet friends do you have locally? If you are lucky enough to say more than 5 you are already having a mini event where you live.
Most of us don’t live near a large group of friends that love knitting and crochet as much as we do. Lucky for us we are now living in the age of the internet. With the advent of the internet it has becoming much easier to connect with people from all over our city, state, country and beyond!
Heading to a knit or crochet conference is a great way to meet those people that are your online friends in person. Knit and Crochet events are not only a great place to meet people but also a great place to learn.

Why Attend a Knit or Crochet Event-The Classes:
One of the biggest reasons to head to a knit or crochet event is the learning. Yes, you have an opportunity to meet with people that you have met online and to meet new people but there is also an opportunity to learn from some amazing teachers.
Each event has their own strengths when it comes to bringing in teachers. You may find that most of the events will have more knitting classes, but that isn’t always the case. Heading out to an event will give you the change to take a class with a new teacher.
We all learn differently and going to knit and crochet events allows you to be taught by different instructors in the industry. Be sure to sign up for your classes early as some can fill up quickly and then you won’t be able to get into the class.
Why Attend a Knit or Crochet Event-The Shopping:
Along with those that might not have a community of knitters and crocheters around them, they might also not have a local yarn shop. Although the internet makes it so much easier to purchase yarn from whomever you want getting to meet the dyer in person is a real treat.
When you go to an event you will typically find a market place where you can shop for yarn. This is a great way to get to touch the yarn for yourself and see their selection of colors. Although shopping online can make it ‘easer’ to shop you don’t get to feel the yarn or see true colors. Shopping at an event will allow you to get hands on with the yarn.
National Events:
Local events will change depending on what part of the country you live in. There are a handful of events that are National events, that take place in multiple locations. There are also some events that happen every year at the same time, but the location changes each year so that more people have the opportunity to attend.
Here are a few national events that are worth checking out.
How to find Local Events:
National events can be easier to find because more people know about them and talk about them. It is still possible to find local events.
One of the best ways to find local events is to get on the mailing list of any local yarn shop that you might know about. Also consider checking out Facebook and see what others are up to.
A simple search on Google of “knit and crochet events in ________” is another great way to find what you are looking for.
How to get the most out of your event:
To get the most out of your event I suggest that you PLAN. Although planning isn’t the funnest thing on my list, I know it is important when going to an event.
You don’t have to play out the entire day but it is good to do some research to know what is available when you go to an event. Look at the make-and-take events that are going on or any demos during the day. Check out the floor map to know what shops you want to go to first. Once you get on the floor things can seem intimidating and it always seems to take longer to pick out what I want than what I had thought it would.
What to take with you:
Going on a trip for knit and crochet event there are a few things to remember to take with you.
Take along a great pair of sneakers or shoes. You will be doing a lot of walking and standing. Make sure you are comfortable. A water bottle is also great so that you can fill it up throughout the day as you are walking the floor or attending a class.
Don’t forget to bring a pen and notebook. These are great for taking notes while in class and letting you keep track of your progress while working on your latest project.
An extra bag is always a great idea. Inevitability you will find things that you like on the show floor. Whether you purchase items or get samples I am sure you will have more to take home than what you came with.
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