
10 Reasons To Buy Craft Books for Christmas

Craft books are among the best gifts that you can purchase this holiday season. Truly, you can buy almost anyone these types of books for Christmas. That’s why we took the time to put together our elaborate lists of:

Not sold on the idea? Let us tell you why craft books should be on your Christmas shopping list.

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1. Craft Books Are Ideal To Give To Your Crafter Friends

Most of us crafters also have a lot of friends who craft. Maybe people in your family are crafters, too. What’s better to buy for them than craft books? After all, you’re honoring their love for their craft. Of course, there are other great gifts for crafters. Hooks and needles, yarn and thread, tote books, and more all make terrific crafter gifts.

However, craft books are a little bit special. If you pick out the right one, your crafter friend will be excited to get these books for Christmas. After all, you might be one of the only people in their lives who knows that an amigurumi book isn’t the right choice but a sweater knitting book is … or vice versa. It shows that you know them and care about what they love.

2. Almost Everyone Loves Getting Books for Christmas

There’s something inspiring and wonderful about flipping through a book.That’s why a lot of people enjoy getting and receiving books for Christmas. There are some great craft books out there even for people who aren’t crafters. Just a few examples of good craft books for non-crafters include:

3. Many Craft Books Are Great Coffee Table Books

Crafters are visual. That’s why so many knit and crochet books are filled with beautiful photography. And whether or not someone is a crafter, they might appreciate these books for Christmas. If you know someone who keeps a stack of pretty books on a table or has a great bookshelf display in their home, I bet they’d enjoy beautiful craft books for Christmas.

4. Almost Everyone Is Interested in Crafting Right Now

Sure, people have been knitting and crocheting for decades upon decades. But there are times when crafting is trendy and times when it’s less popular. Starting with quarantine, crafting picked up in popularity. So even if you don’t know someone well, it’s a safe bet that they might be interested in crafting right now. So, getting them those types of books for Christmas is probably going to be money well spent.

5. You’re Supporting Other Crafters

Craft books are written by designers and crafters. Putting together a book can take a long time. It’s truly a labor of love. So, when you buy these books for Christmas, it’s not just a gift to the person receiving the book. It’s also a gift to the designer/author. You’re helping to support them in their business of doing what they love to do.

6. You’re Likely Supporting Small Publishers, Too

There are obviously a variety of different craft books. And there are lots of places that you might purchase them. If you can buy them at your local bookstore and support shopping small and local, that’s great. But if you buy them at your local craft store or through Amazon, that’s okay, too. Why? Because craft books are almost always published by small publishers. Sure, there are some exceptions. But usually the publishers are dedicated to crafting, to supporting their authors, to bringing books into the world that they truly believe matter. So when you buy craft books, you’re supporting small publishers. That’s a big deal.

7. Craft Books Inspire People to Create

Take a chance on giving craft books to people you aren’t sure will love them. In particular, books for kids about learning how to craft are a wonderful choice. You just never know what creativity it will spark in them to flip through those pages. They may fall in love with the craft from your chosen book. Or, they may not, but it might encourage them to try a different craft that they do end up loving. Many of us learned crafting as children, stopped for awhile, then came back to it. The spark you ignite now could burn brightly years from now.

8. One For You, One For Me Shopping

Okay, this is a little bit of a joke, but also it’s not. It’s that idea that every time you buy someone else a Christmas gift, you find that you can’t resist buying something for yourself. Well, your budget probably doesn’t want you to do that with every gift. But there’s nothing wrong with indulging in a few special gifts for yourself at the holidays as well. New knit and crochet books are great Christmas presents to yourself. Celebrate your craft, your skill, and the joy you take in a generations-old pastime.

9. Shopping for Craft Books Will Inspire You, Too

Even if you don’t buy these books for Christmas for yourself, you’re going to have a great time browsing through them as you look to buy them for others. Maybe you’ll put them on your wishlist and eventually get the ones you truly want. Or maybe not. But looking at all of the amazing options out there – in your favorite craft or in ones you’ve never tried – can’t fail to inspire you. You’ll have a renewed sense of joy and energy about your crafting. And let’s face it, as much as we love crafting, sometimes it feels like a chore when the deadline of the holidays looms. So, shopping for craft books for others can reignite your passion for getting those handmade items complete this year.

10. Someone Will Use Those Craft Books, We’re Sure Of It

Okay, so let’s say that you misjudged. You bought someone a book about crafting for Christmas. You could immediately see on their face that they didn’t love it. Don’t worry. It’s okay. Craft books seem to find their right place in the world somehow. Someone else in that person’s family will pick it up and run with it. Or they’ll drop it off at their local Little Free Library or somewhere else and the right person will be thrilled to find it. No one has ever suffered much from receiving a gift that they didn’t love, so don’t worry about that part.

See, don’t you think you could get craft books for Christmas for everyone on your list?! Now who are you going shopping for first?

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Marly Bird

The One and Only, Marly

Marly is a knitwear and crochet designer (and yarn addict) that is here to help you learn how to knit and crochet in a way that's fun and approachable.

Meet Marly

Knitting & Crochet Patterns for Every Mood
A cartoon image of a joyful chicken, sitting comfortably in a green armchair, knitting happily with blue yarn, surrounded by pink and white flowers, looking for DIY project ideas. -Marly Bird

Netflix & Chill

Simple projects for when you want to relax and zone out

A colorful illustration of a white rabbit with a unicorn horn, nestled among multi-colored leaves arranged like a fan behind it, projects every mood of peacefulness and whimsy. -Marly Bird

Social Butterfly

Frustration-free projects that you can easily work on in public areas

A whimsical illustration of a white chicken adorned with pink flowers and light pink butterflies, featuring flowing tail feathers and a playful pose, all set against a simple white background, perfect for mood-based projects. -Marly Bird

Smooth Jazz

Projects that require a bit more intense focus (but music is nice!)


Shhh Be Quiet!

Advanced projects requiring deep focus (but a big payoff, too!)