What’s in Your Knit and Crochet Project Bag
Hey everyone! Today it is Katelyn, taking over on the blog. When I started to knit and crochet I didn’t really know what should be the staples in my project bag. Over time I have built my own must have items list for every project bag that I have. I thought that it would be pretty interesting to see what some of our favorite designers carry in their bags as well. I asked 11 designers to open their bags and give us a peak inside and they were more than happy to share. Let’s see what they keep in their project bag and what you might be missing.
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Katelyn’s Project Bag:
I thought that I would start out sharing with you what I keep in my bag. Sometimes I surprise myself with how much ends up in my bag over time and how I can possible fit a project in there! Let’s get started checking out what everyone keeps in their bag.
“This is my general project bag, yes that means that I have other smaller bags that fit into this one for each project that I am working on. In my bag I always have a set of hooks and needles along with some yarn, incase I feel the need to swatch. I also make sure to have my stitch marker, row counter, pen/pencil, scissors, and a million measuring tapes. Also in my bag you will find some chapstick and hand lotion just incase when the weather gets cold.
A snack is also important because you never know when you will be working too hard and need a little pick me up. Tic-Tacs are a must for me as well. Best of all when I am done with my pack of Tic-Tacs I can turn it into a scrap yarn holder as I am weaving in my ends.
You might also notice my Dice Bag from Erin Lane Bags, that is my “always have a little something going” project. Those are my prayer crosses for my prayer shawl group. Anytime I am done with a project the small left over balls go in there and when I need a project for 5 min I can pull that out and work on another one. Just as I have packed my diaper bag for my kids with little extras for those unknowns I do the same with my project bag. I would rather carry the extras then have a time when my hands might be empty with nothing by time.”
Naztazia’s Project Bag:

“While my studio contains a ton of cool and exciting tools and gadgets for knitters and crocheters, my take-along bag is compact (12″W x 9L”) and geared towards the minimalist.
I have both the Denise interchangeable knitting needle and crochet hook kits. With the knitting needle kit, you can construct any size single point or circular needle. And the crochet hooks can be used for traditional crochet, double-ended crochet, or even Tunisian crochet. The knitting needle and crochet hook kits are also interchangeable, so I’ve built super-long circular needles by using some of the crochet cables.
I also carry rather sharp and pointy embroidery scissors. To avoid any mishaps, I’ve stuck a knitting needle point protector on the tips. I use a 6″ sewing gauge as my knit/crochet gauge and general measuring tool, as well as a blunt-tip yarn needle for weaving in ends. I use 3 paper clips as stitch markers, but, if I need more stitch markers I just tie on scraps of yarn. I use my smartphone for accessing patterns, keeping notes, and counting stitches and rows or rounds. And that’s it! Easy travel with all of the essentials.”
Learn more about Naztazia on their blog.
Cre8tion Crochet (Lorene’s) Project Bag:

“As the mother to three busy kids, I am often on the go with my crochet. Whether it be supervising some play time at the park or waiting for a doctor’s appointment, I like to keep my hands busy, and because I don’t always have a lot of time to pack my bag, I try to always have my project bag packed and ready to walk out the door with a small project.
Fashion and form are both very important to me, so I chose a bag that is both stylish and convenient. My go to bag is Furls Leather Crochet Bag. This bag comes in two color choices; black and tan. I chose tan because it matches the colors I wear more often.
The Furls project bag has room for everything you can possibly need, for projects large and small, it even has pockets to hold all of your hooks, notions, and tools. Since I’m always using my Furls Alpha hooks I keep mine in one of their leather clutches so that I can easily grab whatever hook I need at any time.
I emptied my bag so you can see all the goodies I have in there, and my must haves.
- First and foremost, my current project- Right now I’m working on another version of my Crescent Motif Shawl, which was originally part of my yearly membership, A Year in Crochet. This one is being made with Oink Yarns. This design is perfect for an on the go project, as it is completed all in one piece.
- Next, I of course need my hook. I’m using one of my Alpha Series Handcarved Hooks from Furls.
- I always try to keep my yarn in a yarn bowl, especially when I’m not working at home, it keeps my yarn clean and tangle free, both very important when you are on the go.
- Scissors- these ones are super handy
- Yarn needles- for weaving in my ends
- Stitch markers- you never know when you need them, and they even holds the last stitch in place, to keep my project from unraveling when I put it bag in my bag”
Learn more about Cre8tion Crochet on their blog.
Moogly’s (Tamara Kelly) Project Bag:

“Every project I work on gets its own bag out of my collection – but my main group of tools and hooks are always stashed in this small zip up project pouch!
I’m always sure to have my OttLite Mini Flip light so I can crochet in low light (and as I get older, the lights keep getting lower!). I also always carry my Clover stitch markers (I no longer “live dangerously” – gotta have stitch markers!), and my Crafty Carrying Case – which fits right in the pouch with my yarn needles, tape measure, and super shape scissors. And of course, there’s always a pen in there with my hooks from Furls Crochet and Brittany Needles!”
Learn more about Moogly on their blog.
YARNutopia’s (Nadia) Project Bag:

“My colorful Vera Bradley bag was a gift from my parents. It has tons of pockets and carries enough yarn for all the projects I have going on at once! I take this bag everywhere I go! Inside my craft bag, you will find a notebook where I write my patterns, my planner that keeps me organized and on task, all of my favorite crochet hooks, scissors, and most importantly, all the yarn I currently need for my project. I stash a few extra necessities inside my craft bag too; headphones, tissues, a measuring tape, candy, and pens are just a few things I haul along with me in this fabulous tote.”
Learn more about YARNutopia on their blog.
Pattern Paradise’s Project Bag:

“Always, a WIP (work in progress) kept clean in a plastic bag and a few extra balls of yarn that I can use to swatch ideas. Of course, I have my crochet tools: small scissors, tapestry needles, stitch markers, tape measure and yes, that is a pompom maker, because I love making pompoms! Of course, I have hooks! Mine include the complete set (from steels to jumbos) of the Clover Amour line. I love these hooks because they are very comfortable and I can crochet for hours at a clip without any discomfort. I have several storage solutions for my hooks but I always keep a set neatly stored in a canvas zip bag, which makes it super easy to grab and go.
Then there are the non-crochet necessities! I have Chapstick, lip gloss, a nail file, hand lotion, Tic Tacs and a pad and pen to jot down those ideas that always seem to pop into your head when you don’t have anything to write on. I also keep a small umbrella because it just seems like I get caught in sudden showers a lot! And frequently I add some snacks, healthy of course ????: nuts, dried fruit, raw veggies……..Oreos, Dove chocolate….. , oh wait, I said healthy!
Finally, I’m addicted to my phone! From checking my website, social media and email to listening to music or taking photos, my phone is my go to tool and I always have it and earbuds with me.
All of this fits into my large, red, sturdy leather tote bag, that I got from my very thoughtful DIL. I have several project bags but really love this one; it’s large, red and sturdy leather! I hope you enjoyed this peek into my crochet bag!”
Learn more about Pattern Paradise on their blog.
SeeLoveShare’s Project Bag:

“I travel a bunch and am never shy to pull out my WIP no matter where I am. I’ve shrunk down what I keep in my crochet back so that it’s airport friendly and packed with the bare essentials. Take a look at what I’ve packed in here
- My WIP with extra yarn
- Current crochet hook plus one size up and down for adjustments
- Mini scissors (they’re TSA approved and are smaller than 4in)
- Compact measuring tape (I got this Marly Bird one at Stitches West and it bumped the other one I had wrapped up in there!)
- Note pad & pen – to keep track of my To-Dos, open projects or to jot down new ideas
- My laptop – because it’s really an extension of my brain/hands
- My phone – because did I really make it if I didn’t take a picture of it??
- My charger – because no one wants to be around someone with a dead phone
- My cards – because there is always someone curious about what I’m up to and want to know where they can learn more”
Learn more about SeeLoveShare on their blog.
Oombawka’s Project Bag:

“This is my go-to crochet project bag. As long as the weather is fair, I carry this bag with me and pack my current WIP inside. It is currently carrying the scarf I am designing for the Scarf of the Month Club this month.
I love this bag because it has tons of little pockets inside. I purchased it from Furls after I lost 20 pounds (I am on Weight Watchers right now and I have set up target weight loss levels where I get to buy myself fun little goodies as rewards).
Along with the yarn and hook for my current WIP, I also have my current favorite hooks (Streamline) in the sizes I use most often. You can see them there in my hook case. I always carry extra crochet hooks, just in case I find some yarn while I’m out…which seems to happen from time-to-time.
I have my favorite pair of scissors from Scheepjes, a pencil and pencil sharpener (I don’t like dull pencils), a highlighter, ruler, my clover locking stitch markers, yarn needle and my current favorite hand cream (I scored this on sale at TSC last month and I love it and the message written on it).
You will also find my clipboard with blank paper and a copy of my rough pattern. I edit it and highlight areas I think need to be reworded as I work the rows.
Another must-have item is my very old, very trusty, iPod touch. It holds music, my calculator, a note app and more importantly audiobooks. I love to read but I find it difficult to read and crochet at the same time! I also have copies of some of my favorite crochet books on there in eBook form. It is dressed in my favorite Kate Spade case.
Other than that – I have one secret item that goes with me everywhere… Lady Speed Stick, Hint, Soft Breeze ;)”
Learn more about Oombawka on their blog.
Fiber Flux’s Project Bag:

“My favorite project tote is a gigantic gold bag with a cute cut out design that I can fit a ton of stuff in. I take it everywhere! It is especially perfect for carrying multiple projects (which I always do) or for working on a blanket on the run (which I do quite a bit as well!).
Inside are my projects separated into large resealable bags to keep them neat and clean, a spare yarn ball or two in case I run out while on the go too. I always carry my notebook so I can jot down an idea or refer to the instructions I’m writing, or just a quick peek at the math of the project to make sure I’m still on the right track!
Another thing I must have in my bag is my zippered tool bag (I repurpose cosmetic bags…they’re often made in fun prints and the perfect size) In it I have lots of hooks, measuring tape, scissors (two sizes!) tapestry needles with carrying case, pens, highlighters, and stitch markers.
I am not one for traveling light, I want to have everything I need…thats ok with me though, I always want to have a project close at hand!”
Learn more about Fiber Flux on their blog.
Underground Crafter’s Project Bag:

“Confession: My project bag is usually some random bag I got for free at a conference, but Marly inspired me to achieve something a little bit more exciting for this post. I designed this Crocheters Gonna Crochet project bag (tutorial here, along with the companion Hookers Gonna Hook bag) just to be photo worthy! As for what’s inside, of course there is yarn, an ergonomic hook, a pair of child’s safety scissors (so neither the bag nor my fingers get accidentally snipped during my commute), my current project notebook and erasable gel pens or erasable marker pens (so I can make a bajillion corrections and changes, of course), my Clover Chibi darning needles (packed up safely in their container), and a small ruler (just big enough to check my gauge). If I’m working on a larger project, I bring tailor’s measuring tape, too, so I can check the length as I go.”
Learn more about the Underground Crafter on their blog.
Whistle & Ivy’s Project Bag:

“I’m going to share a secret: I have more than a few project bags!
I am cluttery and messy by nature, and a “system” that I have figured out is to keep each active WIP in a separate bag. The word “active” is in quotes because I have about 20 other “inactive” WIPS that I tuck away in bins for a later date. As of this morning, I have about 8 separate bags with WIPs sitting out on shelves in my office.
That being said, when I hit the road, I stock up whichever project bag I decide to grab with my crochet bag essentials: a scribble notebook for writing down pattern ideas and notes with at least two colors of my favorite pens, all my beloved Clover hooks (I stash away little tools in my Clover case) full sized scissors (YES, full-sized because I am so cluttery and scatter-brained that I need to full sized ones so I can keep track of them) and my bluetooth earbuds so I can catch up my latest podcast episodes.
The photo shows an unrealistic representation of what my yarn looks like on an average day. Much neater!”
Learn more about Whistle & Ivy on their blog.
Snappy Tot’s Project Bag:

“For the past several years I have tried several different options for my project bag. I finally LOVE what I have now. This tote has lots of pockets inside and out which is important for me to keep things organized.
My supply pouches are my favorite part. I have three pencil pouches connected by large key rings. One of the pouches has all of my hooks, scissors, pencils, tape measure and stitch counter. The second pouch has a container with needles, some thread and buttons. The third pouch is my garbage bin and where I put all of my yarn tails. If I am working on another project I can grab these supply pouches and have everything I need.
I am a paper girl so I always have my lined notebook for writing my patterns; a small bullet journal for sketches, notes and thoughts; some sticky note pads and a ziplock folder for misc. papers or patterns I have printed. The black polka dot bag has some journaling supplies, highlights, pens, and such.
For longer trips, I will also toss in my small gopro bag, portable charger and charging cords. I also take my kindle fire for accessing my patterns in dropbox and occasionally reading my favorite book
A few other things I always have in my bag is my water bottle, some gum and a ziplock bag with a washcloth or small project. Sometimes I need a simple project to clear my brain so it is great to always have this handy.”
Learn more about Snappy Tots on their blog.
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Hi Marley,
Not all your readers have young eyes. I find it very difficult to read light colored font and often skip it. It seems very trendy but isn’t practical at all.
Thanks for your message. I am sorry that the post is hard for you to read. We have been looking into some ways that we can make improvements but it isn’t a quick fix like some may think. We will keep this in mind as we continue to look over the website.
It’s good to know, even as a beginner knitter, that I am on the right track with my project bag! I find myself somewhere in the middle, with an eye on keeping it light due to shoulder problems. Thanks for sharing, ladies!
My project bag is a yarn drum right now. I have random balls of yarn in there along with a soft pencil case with hooks in it. A rubber made container of stitch markers. And my project. Most likely too much but I also have a simple bag. With what I need.
I use a hanging toiletry bag. I love all of the pockets and it has a large pocket for my wip. I have in it my hooks, needles, large and small measuring tapes, stitch markers, and patterns.
Katelyn, this was so cool! I loved getting a glimpse of what some of my favorite designers carry on their bags. I seem to carry pretty much what they do; the basic essentials a crafter wouldn’t leave home without! I have a medium sized toe which holds: one canvas bag for my current project, a small ‘tool’ bag with measuring tape, scissors, darning needle, Susan Bates needle sizer/gauge ruler, a rolled organizer for my crochet hooks and a flip organizer for my most used circular needles and a round pill box which holds removeable, as well as regular sitich markers. Thanks so much for the post! Now, let’s get a peek at Marly’s project bag!
Great blog post, Katelyn! I enjoyed getting to know more about these designers. Kinda also reminded me of the what’s-what’s-in-your-purse game I’ve played at showers.