Swing Knitting with Expert Brigitte Elliott
Swing Knitting with Expert Brigitte Elliott was our topic today and we love that she shared this with us as well as so many other things!
Swing Knitting was actually developed by someone else and Brigitte gives credit to Gabrielle Kluge https://www.strickrausch.de/ (Intoxicated Knitting) and was trademarked by Heidrun Liegmann-Halama https://swing-knitting.com. There is a workshop course in German (if you open it with Google, it can be translated) by Heidrun that Brigitte recommends. https://magischemaschen.blogspot.com (Magical Stitches) Brigitte deserves credit though, too, for translating to English (we think!) and showing us how truly fun it is! There are several patterns that are really popular that uses this technique, most familiar is the Dreambird Shawl (https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/dreambird-kal), the Hitchhiker Shawl (https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/hitchhiker) to name a couple…
Brigitte met Patty McDonald who communicated by e-mail, who shared a scarf that they both found incredibly inspiring that was in German. That was Gabrielle Kluge! Brigitte took that course linked earlier in summer 2010, then she went to Germany for a live course, four days in a castle and met teacher Heidrun. Brigitte found it so exciting, and later Heidrun sent her a packet for Brigitte’s help to translate it into English. Brigitte really loved this style of knitting that she thinks of as German Short Rows. She devised a mathematical formula of explaining Heidrun’s musical way of writing.
This is one of her designs: The Autumn Fusion Shawl has been well received. https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/swing-knits-autumn-fusion-shawl There is a series of workshops in German and in English in Ravelry. https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/swing-knittingtm-workshop-5—swingy-hitchhiker There’s also been some additonal designs from Heidrun placed in Ravelry in German and with Brigitte’s help, English! https://www.ravelry.com/stores/magische-maschen-designs Brigitte’s also had some designs published, most of us may have seen in the Knitter’s magazine. Here’s the link to her Ravelry Designer page to remind us: https://www.ravelry.com/designers/brigitte-elliott
Brigitte also recommends the Ravelry group for Swing Knits https://www.ravelry.com/groups/knitting-the-swing—swing-knittingtm
Don’t forget to check out Brigitte Elliott’s website: https://www.bzknitter.com/
Categories: Podcast, Uncategorized
Marly and Brigitte – Wonderful! Brigitte – I cannot wait to meet you in person at the class on Sunday! I just finished the Autumn shawl and showed it to a group of fiber artist and they all ohed and ahed! I tried not to take too much credit for it 🙂
I also thought it was fun to hear your comments about g-kids – my husband and I jokingly say to then´m – we get along so well because we have a common enemy…
Being Swedish, I can appreciate RAVEN – one of Oden’s birds!
I meant to name the ravens (Hugin and Munin) but got distracted and hit the Post button
Raven is a very smart bird just like how smart these swing knit patterns are. Beautiful!
Raven, Raisin…doesn’t matter. The interview was such fun!
Wow, this was a super interview. I had never heard of swing knitting but I’m so intrigued by it. I need to learn more as I bet there are so many applications that could be made. Whomever wins the prize today from Raven will be luckier than ever…unless he or she is more interested in winning a box of chocolate covered raisins.
Beautiful technique, I am intrigued to know more. And i like all colors be it raven or raisin =)
I am so excited to learn more about swing knitting. The finished pieces are so fun to look at and I love how each will be unique depending on the yarn color and color changes. Raven is a lovely name for an Alpaca. I have a cat named Onyx so I love the play on color/ name.
I heard raisin too, but raven it is. Loved learning about the swing technique. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I checked out Brigitte’s patterns and love them. They look so complicated and beautiful and I definitely have to knit one, or two, or three….
I think Raisin is perfectly acceptable Alpaca name… Raven works too! I didn’t know you could board alpacas!!!! This is probably not information I should have!!!!!
Brigitte’s patterns are all beautiful, and I look forward to knitting one! Is Raven a black alpaca?
Not being fond of raisins, I am glad the alpaca’s name is Raven. I like to know about the animals that wore the fiber before I did. Thanks for another great guest.
This was an interesting show. I had not heard of swing knitting before but find this very interesting. I haven’t worked with alpaca yarn yet but would love to try! I wonder if it is Raven’s wool we could be winning! Thanks for another great show!
Hi Marly and Brigitte, thank you for wonderful show! Brigitte, I am amazed at your determination in learning this beautiful Swing-Knitting technique. Love the shawl you created, especially the color combination!
And to get your alpaca yarn would be such a treat. Hope it comes directly from Raven-Raisin fleece! 😉
Dear Marly, you absolutely can translate swing technique into crochet. It’s gonna be Marly’s Swing Crochet! Make it work, Marly!
The Autumn Fusion shawl has definitely caught my eye. I want to know more and Raven (raisin) must be a beautiful alpaca.
I can I imagine that Raven must have a beautiful dark coat. The Autumn Fusion shawl is stunning.
I wonder if Raven was named after the bird or the movie? Swing knitting has me intrigued, love the Autumn Fusion Shawl.
Absolutely LOVED this show so much! It’s started me on a new path and am looking forward to doing swing knitting! It’s so exciting! And loved learning about her alpacas, and llamas, especially Raven! And what was so funny was that I was eating raisins at the time when you were trying to understand what her keyword was. LOL! Anyway, would love to learn more about swing knitting now! Thanks, Marly, for your always informative shows! And, yes, get with Brigette and get the Swing Crochet going — sounds like a winner!
Hi Marly and Brigitte, It is great that you both live so close to each other. Marly, you could even visit Raven (or raisin) if you wanted to. :o)
How cool is Swing knitting!! I can’t wait to try my hands at it. Thanks for the very interesting interview.
Never heard of this technique before, but am very interested in trying it now. I’m going to look for a picture of Raven on Brigitte’s website.
I wish I had an alpaca called Raven instead of the raven who raids the raisins on my bird table!
I am very interested in learning all types of styles and this sounds pretty cool. I am sure Raven would agree! Love the podcast!!!
Raven, shamaven, whatever you say I still enjoyed this interview immensely
I think there should be a yarn named Raven, sounds mystical!
Raven would make a great colorway. You interview was amazing!!!
OMG – Thanks Brigitte for the mention on the podcast. What a lovely vote of confidence. You know I LOVE the Swinging and I encourage anyone to try it. I look at patterns and yarn completely differently now. It has been an honor to teach the Autumn Fusion Shawl at StevenBe in Minneapolis. Check out my blog to see pictures of the students work. This pattern is wonderful.
Maybe Raven enjoys raisins! I sure enjoyed the interview and learning about the fascinating swing knitting technique! Thanks!
Hi Marly, you mentioned the “Dreambird” as being a form of swing knitting…. THIS IS ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVOURITE PATTERNS!!! Be it a “Dreambird” or a “Raven” swing knitting looks like sooo much fun and beautiful to boot! Thanks for helping to bring us this great technique Brigitte!
i loved listening and learning about swing knitting, her pieces are jaw dropping