
Learn Knit Dip Stitch with this Easy, Ribbed Knit Hat Free Pattern

If you earn how to knit dip stitches, then you can easily add a lot of texture to your knitting. In this ribbed knit hat free pattern, I show you exactly how to work a specific type of dip stitch. The result is texture that looks like fishtail braids. It’s fun and interesting to the eye. In fact, this is one of my most popular free knit hat patterns. Therefore, I wanted to showcase it for you again in case you missed it the first time around. It’s a great project to learn something new. Moreover, it’s perfect to make for lots of people as we head into the season for gifting crochet to others!

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What Are Knit Dip Stitches?

Knit dip stitches refer to stitches that you knit into the fabric lower than the row where your needles are located. In other words you “dip down” to knit into the fabric.Note that you don’t drop or unravel any stitches in the process of making dip stitches.

There are many different types of knit stitches, depending on how far down you dip. In this pattern, you’ll  Identify the 2nd stitch from tip of the left hand needle and 4 rows down below it. Then you’ll use your right needle to knit into that stitch. That’s your dip stitch, worked four rows below the working row. You could work one three rows down instead, as an example of a variation on knit dip stitch.

Working the dip stitches closer together (meaning not having many rows between the dip point of one stitch pattern repeat to the next one up) makes this version look like a fishtail braid! I love the effect and hope that you will, too!

This ribbed knit hat free pattern includes a photo tutorial for how to work this variation of knit stitch. Additionally, I’ve completed a video tutorial for this ribbed knit hat free pattern to show you exactly how to work it, including how to to knit the dip stitches. This is a great new way to improve your knitting skills.

ribbed knit hat free pattern

More About This Ribbed Knit Hat Free Pattern

The Double Dip Knit Hat free pattern is all about showcasing that textured dip stitch. However, you’ll have the opportunity to work some other special stitches as well. Of course, I’ve described these in detail in the pattern itself. But in brief, the three other special stitches you’ll use are all methods of decreasing as you build the hat:

  • Center Double Decrease (CDD)
  • Knit Two Together-through the back leg (k2tog-tbl)
  • Slip, Knit Two Together-through the back leg (sk2tog-tbl)

This is a relatively easy knitting pattern. A brand-new beginner would want to start with something a bit simpler. But an ambitious or advanced beginner could figure out this hat. If you can knit 3, purl 2 to make knit ribbing, and you’re comfortable learning how to knit dip stitches, then you can complete this ribbed knit hat free pattern.

Get the Ribbed Knit Hat Free Pattern

Are you ready to knit this hat? If so, then click here or on the image below. That will take you to the free pattern here on my site. There you’ll find the instructions for how to knit the dip stitches. Additionally, you’ll find the video tutorial for the entire hat, including the pom that tops it off. Moreover, you’ll find a link to the Ravelry PDF if you’re looking to purchase an ad-free version of this ribbed knit hat pattern.

Ribbed Knit Hat Pattern by Marly Bird

Watch the Video

The free hat pattern above also comes with a video tutorial. Therefore, you should find it easy to craft this super-wearable hat pattern:

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Marly Bird

The One and Only, Marly

Marly is a knitwear and crochet designer (and yarn addict) that is here to help you learn how to knit and crochet in a way that's fun and approachable.

Meet Marly

Knitting & Crochet Patterns for Every Mood
A cartoon image of a joyful chicken, sitting comfortably in a green armchair, knitting happily with blue yarn, surrounded by pink and white flowers, looking for DIY project ideas. -Marly Bird

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A whimsical illustration of a white chicken adorned with pink flowers and light pink butterflies, featuring flowing tail feathers and a playful pose, all set against a simple white background, perfect for mood-based projects. -Marly Bird

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