
Lace Knitting 101 with Easy Lace Knits

Break out your sharp tip needles and get ready for some lace knitting with Easy Lace Knits. In this book you will find 20 beautiful lace patterns. Haven’t tried lace before but have always wanted to? This will be the perfect book for you.

Knitting 101 with Easy Lace Knits

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Inside Easy Lace Knits:

Starting off when you open the book you are taken through the basics of lace knitting. This book is truly beginner friendly and doesn’t leave any stone unturned. First you will go through the basics of reading a lace pattern. Not only will you find written instructions in this book but you will also find charted instructions. This is great, in my opinion, because it covers all of the bases and helps you learn how to read the other version if you don’t already.

After you learn how to read the pattern the book covers yarn substitution. Here the book talks about fiber content and fiber thickness when making a substitution. Next you will hear about the importance of swatching. A swatch for lace knitting can tell you SO much about the project before you even get started.

Lace Knitting 101 with Easy Lace Knits

Learning How to Knit Lace:

Knitting is made up of a combination of knits and purl stitches. By changing the order you work the stitches and how many stitches you have you get great pattern variations. Cabling is when you change the position of stitches to get a twisted look. Lace knitting is when you add holes into your project at predetermined spots.

Yes, that is right. I said that in lace knitting you are adding holes to your work, on purpose! In Easy Lace Knits you will find a section of how to complete the different methods of intentionally adding the holes to your pattern. By working a yarn over, a make 1 and some other stitches you can create all of the lace patterns in this book.

The Right Tools for Lace Knitting:

As with most things in life it really comes down to the tools that you are using to make your experience better. For lace knitting you will typically, but not always, working with finer yarn. Really you will need a yarn that has good stitch definition so that you can see the lace work. The yarn is an important part of the equation when knitting lace because it will impact your fabric.

For lace knitting you will want to use fiber that is going to be soft and drapey as you work it. The best way to find out if your fiber will do the trick is to swatch. Swatching will also tell you if the needles that you selected to use will be the best for your project.

Everyone has a preference for the length of needles, circular vs. straight and other featured to their needles. For lace knitting you will want to consider the tips of your needles. May people prefer to use a sharper point when working lace so that they can easily work the thinner yarn. This will be something that you need to test out through swatching to see which fits you best.

Looking for a great set of sharp tip needles? Be sure to check out the Yarn Thing Podcast episode that I just did with Signature Needles. Learn about their process and their super pointy Stiletto tip needles.

Tips for Lace Knitting:

Lace Knitting 101-Using a lifelineTips and tricks from the experienced knitter really do make a beginners life much easier. When knitting lace I always use a lifeline, I learned this the hard way.

Using a lifeline is the simple concept of adding a scrap piece of yarn at a designated row that you know is completed correctly. You use a lifeline in case you would make a mistake later on. The lifeline allows you to rip back your work to that point, where you know it was last correct. Within the book you can learn more about how to place a lifeline, when to place a lifeline and how they work.

Stitch markers are also great for knitting lace. They again allow you to keep track of where you are in the pattern. Use stitch markers to note when the repeat starts or where a decrease is. Stitch markers can help you read your work. Reading your work is so important with lace to make sure that things are correct and also how to figure out where they might have gone wrong.

Blocking Your Lace Knitting:

So far in this review we have mentioned a lot of the bad words of knitting. We talked about thin yarn, swatching, holes in your knitting and now blocking!

Sari Silk Wrap Skirts from Darn Good Yarn

Blocking is ESSENTIAL to all lace knit projects. Through the process of blocking you are able to open up the stitches and see the true pattern that you have created. Blocking allows your fabric to relax and showcase all of the hard work that you just completed. Please don’t skip this step, you will be disappointed if you do.

Purchase Your Copy of Easy Lace Knits:

Purchase Easy Lace Knits

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  1. Susie Moten says:

    I am two thirds done with the Textured Triangle shawl, but I got distracted with other projects (plus it’s too hot right now!) my problem is that crochet is so much faster! I really want to knit lace, though.

  2. Aida Hartmann says:

    Have tried lace work several times and have found it challenging. I tend to drop stitches easily, easpecially when there are ssk or k2tg required in the pattern, oh and let’s not forget the YO’s that I don’t always get uniform. Case-in-point Marly’s KAL last year; the Structured Knit Shawl. It took me three shawls later to finally get one done without have to frog! If this book is designed with tips on how to get past these mis-haps, then I would love to when it! No really, I really would love to win it!

  3. Lynnette M Cantrell says:

    I have never tried knitting lace. One more item of “want to learn” how to do that! in the knitting realm!!!!

    This has some absolutely Gorgeous makes!!!

  4. Luann Wright says:

    I did lace my first KAL with Marly. It’s so pretty and for the heat a nice way to wear something stylish and hand made. Loved your review.

  5. Nikki says:

    I’m currently working on an asymmetrical shawl with lace segments. I love the look of lace in a knitting project.

  6. Alison Routley says:

    My very first knitting project was alace pattern in a worsted yarn and I over-estimated my newbie skills and re-started more times than I want to remember. My husband told me not to quit, that I could do it, so I kept trying and finished the project. I have only knit one project with lace weight yarn and did not enjoy that. I do want to do more lace and improve my skills.

  7. Teresa Azucena says:

    The first lace I knit was Marly’s KAL this past spring. I’ve wanted to knit lace since before I began knitting last fall. It was so exciting to create a cowl with three different lace patterns.

  8. Lynne E Baltzer says:

    So glad to find a beginner’s guide for lace knitting . I’ve done some simple patterns but would love to master more advanced techniques

  9. Cherie Williams says:

    I’ve done some simple lace knitting in scarfs and shawls, but the more complex patterns are so gorgeous!

  10. Karen D. says:

    I love knitting lace. Only a beginner though. This book would be great to own for reference. I need it. Thank you!

  11. yolanda v says:

    My first lace project was The Textured Triangle Shawl. I’ve made two and another two from another pattern by Heidi of “Hands Occupied” blog. Would like to try lace socks and scarves next.

  12. Maria Morriss says:

    I’ve taken a lace knitting class and tried a project. It starts off ok, but I lose count easily if it’s too complicated. I’m hoping to try it again. I love the the finished look of lace projects.

  13. Theresa Faria says:

    my excuse, lace knit its been awhile. Three grandsons keeping me busy, the temptation is real . Love to win the book

  14. Tina L Maxwell says:

    Love the looks of lace but scares the bajeebers out of me. this book might just help me face my fears.

  15. Marylou says:

    I’ve never tried lace knitting before. I’m such a slow knitter, I figure it would take me way too long to finish.

  16. Lori S. says:

    I have made a small cross book mark, but my stitches were all uneven. I also bought a ball of It’s A Wrap and attempted..HAHAHA… to make the Asymmetrical Wrap shawl (it’s in a bag in my room right now). This book sounds like it would be a great help.

  17. Cinda Bunge says:

    I’m to new at knitting to go for it yet, The book sounds a great place to start. Love all your work you do Marly.

  18. Christie Hardy says:

    I have downloaded the Kindle Sample version of this Lace Knitting book. I hope to get better at it with each project I make.

Marly Bird

The One and Only, Marly

Marly is a knitwear and crochet designer (and yarn addict) that is here to help you learn how to knit and crochet in a way that's fun and approachable.

Meet Marly

Knitting & Crochet Patterns for Every Mood
A cartoon image of a joyful chicken, sitting comfortably in a green armchair, knitting happily with blue yarn, surrounded by pink and white flowers, looking for DIY project ideas. -Marly Bird

Netflix & Chill

Simple projects for when you want to relax and zone out

A colorful illustration of a white rabbit with a unicorn horn, nestled among multi-colored leaves arranged like a fan behind it, projects every mood of peacefulness and whimsy. -Marly Bird

Social Butterfly

Frustration-free projects that you can easily work on in public areas

A whimsical illustration of a white chicken adorned with pink flowers and light pink butterflies, featuring flowing tail feathers and a playful pose, all set against a simple white background, perfect for mood-based projects. -Marly Bird

Smooth Jazz

Projects that require a bit more intense focus (but music is nice!)


Shhh Be Quiet!

Advanced projects requiring deep focus (but a big payoff, too!)