Jen Lucas is working overtime, but took some time out of her busy schedule to visit the Yarn Thing podcast with Marly Bird. Jen has visited before, and says she’s been a listener since the beginning, and we can’t be more proud of her everytime we visit.
Jen says she and some friends decided they needed to learn to knit after college, possibly inspired by the ‘Golden Girls’, even though the Sophia character was a crocheter. At the time many things were happening and helping people be inspired, like various knitting blogs, the tv show ‘Knitty Gritty’ with host Vickie Howell. Also, Stephanie Japel did a ‘design-your-own-shawl’ course. So she was able to continue her education easily online while she wore a lab coat by day, testing water.
Now her full-time job is writing books, teaching at knitting guilds… she feels it’s the best job ever, it feels so cool. [Read more…]