From OTTLITE Marcea, Kelly and Nancy
From OTTLITE Marcea, Kelly and Nancy met up with us on the Yarn Thing podcast with Marly Bird. Marcea is the Marketing Manager and Kelly and Nancy are with the Production team, developing ideas for Ottlite products.
OTTLITE was founded in 1989, but Dr. Ott was developing the product from way back when. A bit of trivia: Dr. Ott was approached by Walt Disney to help with time-lapse film photography, for the magic pumpkin in Cinderella, which was released in 1950. Dr. Ott’s passion stems from helping people do what they love longer, bringing natural daylight indoors. Part of his research included indoor plant growth (which may have helped with growing that pumpkin), for those with pets requiring light and in recent years with the benefits of artificial but equally beneficial indoor lighting being studied and used to help people such as those with Seasonally Affected disorders, it’s understandable that there’s been huge growth for this company.
In fact, it may reduce the headaches caused by some lighting, as Marly herself has noticed as she stated during this visit. Quoting their website: ‘Some light wavelengths let you see vibrant colors, yet they emit a bright glaring light. Then eye muscles react by squinting. Other wavelengths let you see with high contrast – the edges of objects are incredibly clear which is ideal for reading text and seeing fine details. Yet you lose color fidelity. OttLite provides the best of both – the precise balance of contrast and brightness that allows you to see details clearly and colors accurately. Now the eye can see and focus without the harsh glare, distortion and fatigue other light sources cause. It’s like natural daylight indoors!‘

The ladies discussed how they innovate their product for use by various kinds of crafters, working with focus groups, gathering information from retailers who know their customers needs first hand and this has resulted in Ottlites that feature magnifying glass, cubbies for storage, the goosenecks being different lengths, the three-in-one styles, the ones that have the USB plug in that can be used to plug in and recharge your phone or listen to your music while you work. Some of the products mentioned are the Cobra, Ultimate 3-in-1 (that will be available exclusively through Joann’s) the lightbox and mini flip lite (which is customizable and it sounds like was really popular at a Tampa Bay Rays Stitch & Pitch).
There is a wonderful page on their website and a post every Wednesday in Facebook that shows what people are doing with their Ottlites called ‘What’s Under Your Ottlite?’ which shows how this wonderful product makes a difference. So many use good light to see in true colors which is obviously Dr. Ott’s dream come true to see how this awesome production crew is coming up with new ways to fit in to our lives and getting the word out about it!
OTTLITE can be found at their website directly, and can be stalked… er, followed on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram. Just for Marly fans and listeners, OTTLITE is giving us a 25% discount (also FREE shipping on orders over $50) use code Marly25 when shopping the website which will end March 31st.
Categories: Podcast
I LOVE Ottlite. I use it for crafting, and it also helps me get through the winter blues.
These lights sound amazing! This was another great episode, and I really enjoyed learning more about the science behind lighting and what goes into creating a truly wonderful crafting experience. It sounds like the light will bring a bit of sunshine in my life, and help me do what I love longer. If I had an OttLite, I’d definitely use it for my knitting. I’d also love to have one at my drab corporate cube to help add some warmth to an otherwise sterile environment.
I’ve seen these lights advertised before but didn’t understand the difference between them and regular lamps. Now I really want one to help with my crafting. If I had an OttLite I would use it for my crocheting and bead work but my boyfriend would quickly steal it for his drawing and guitar repairs. Guess I need two.
I enjoyed listening to this podcast while shoveling snow (3-23). Spring snow! I loved the interview in part because I love my Ott light. I have an old desk top one that I wouldn’t be surprised if it was 1st generation. It is old. I bought it for cross stitching on fine linen. My newer one is a floor model that shines its light over my sewing machine. It also sometimes finds its way into the family room at night for complicated knitting or dark knitting..
I will be using that coupon code.. All of their new products sound so tempting.
I love Ottlite and have several at home. One on my end table in the living room and a standing one in my craft room (and another standing one waiting to find a place since we just moved). I use them while crocheting and drawing patterns. I must get a Litebox as well as the color changing lamp and the mini lite. Great product and another great show!
Loved to hear about the Ott Lite. I currently don’t have one. I had to take advantage of the coupon code to order one and a light bulb for an existing table lamp.
I plan on using this light for knitting and crocheting. I am working on a mitten with dark colors. I wish I had an Ott Lite right now so I could see the stitches better.
I have not tried an Ottlite yet, but I’m looking though the website now. I would love to knit under one, and a second for traveling. I take my knitting with me all over, and the magnify would be great, especially were lighting is bad.
I love OttLite! If I win this one I would use it for crocheting and sewing in my brand new studio space in our renovated farmhouse. My studio will get morning daylight, but in the afternoon and evening (or late at night) the OttLite is perfect!
I would use my Ottlite by my chair where i knit. I have trouble seeing.
I use my ott light for machine knitting, hand knitting and crocheting. I have the led so no replacement bulbs =) Thanks for the awesome podcast.
If I had an OttLite I would light up the world. Well, no, but the color changing one sounds interesting. I would probably be able to find that mistake I made, on that scarf I don’t want to pick up again, until I can. I actually have two older ones, one tall, one short. My husband stole the short one, I just stole it back.
I have always been interested in the OttLite. I really enjoyed the podcast and learning more about them. I think my daughter would love the color changing one.
If I had an OttLite, I’d be soooo happy. I tend to get grumpy when the lighting is poor so an OttLite would make me and everyone else’s life happier.
I would love an Ottlite for right next to my spinning wheel; there never seems to be enough light in my house to spin by in the evenings.
I enjoyed learning about ottlite. I am definitely going to use the coupon and under my ottlite you will find knitting, crochet, sewing, reading and maybe some embroidery.
I just bought an Ottlite yesterday after listening to the podcast and it’s amazing. I’m using it while knitting and it is making such a difference! I think I’d like another so when I retreat to my “yarn cave” I’ll be able to see as well there without moving the lamp.
When I first started my fiber adventure someone said you need to buy an ottlite. So I did and I love it!!! I use it for everything but mostly knitting and beading. I take it on fiber retreats and anywhere I might think I will need it.
I really enjoyed this podcast! If I had an OttLite, I would use it of course for my knitting and crochet, but also for my first crafting love, counted cross stitch. The cross stitches are too small for my older eyes, but with the right lighting and magnification I would be back in business! I am also intrigued by the book light and may just have to acquire one of those!
I don’t have an OttLite yet, but one would sure come in handy when I have knitting attack moments and need to think back to fix things or pick up dropped stitches.
I plan to use an OttLite while I am knitting. I think I will be getting one of the travel lights you talked about on the show. They sound perfect. I travel a lot (that’s when I catch up on Marly podcasts!) 🙂
I have a standing Ottlight that includes a tray for tools. I love it because it helps me see tiny knit stitches handsfree. It would be great to have an Ottlight on my bed nightstand.
My Ottlite lets me knit while my husband watches tv or plays video games!! Its absolutely essential for lace projects and during low light Canadian winters!!! I would love to have another for my craft room! And bedroom! And purse! And everywhere!
I have an Ottlite attached to my sewing table, but I would LOVE to have one next to my knitting chair!
It was so interesting to learn about ottlite, my hubby just let me make a craft corner in the living room and I’m in desperate need for a desk lamp now! It would be so amazing for my knitting and dyeing.
I could sure use a new Ottlite in my yarn room- since the lighting in there isn’t so good.
I’m so glad you were able to have the Ottlite folks on so soon. I’ve been hearing about these lights a lot lately. I love the idea of being able to see my yarn in the evening in light that will make it easier to see my work and also shows the colours properly. I’ll be saving up for one now for sure.
I have had an Ottlite on my wish list for a while and after listing to this podcast I definitely will move it to the top! My eyes remind me that I’m in my 40’s and if I had one I would be able to see my knitting so much more easily! Thank you for the chance to win!
I would use my OttLite for knitting, especially for socks in the evening, I would be nice to have direct light on what I am doing with out interfering with my husband sleeping or watching TV.
OTTLITE is wonderful! I would use my Ottlite at my work to analyze fingerprints. We are always looking for good lights for that detailed work. Thanks so much for a great interview. Marly Bird and Ottlite ROCK!
I would love to have an Ottlite and would use it for knitting and cross stitching. I have horrible migraines and think this may really help with my eye strain.I am so excited to learn more about the 3 in 1 lite that has not come out yet. I have a Daylight brand light and think that Ottlite would be much better. Thank you for such an informative interview.
I loved this podcast. It made me want 3 Ottlites so badly. I ordered 2 and hope to win the third. The first I’m going to use in the dark theater my husband just built. He does not want overhead lights on and I can only knit so much stockinette while watching movies with him. I want to work on my Portage that I need to see while knitting so a small direct light would be perfect and wouldn’t interfere with the picture quality. We will both be happy.
A very interesting podcast. I enjoyed learning about the new products Ottlite has developed. I have a couple of older lites with get alot of use!
I would use my OttLite by my chair where I knit. As I get older, I have trouble seeing. I need all of the help I can get.
Love your podcast Marly, I have been listening since the beginning.
I love my Ott Lites. I use them when knitting, crocheting, cross stitching, quilting, sewing and weaving. As I have gotten older, the quality of light has been very important to my being able to work on my crafts. Ott lite definitely delivers.
I currently have 4 Ott Lites. One next to my chair in the living room where I can craft while watching TV. Another one in my craft room with a magnifying glass that moves around wth me while working on different projects. The other two are portable desk lamps that I use and share during craft nights with friend.
I LOVE Ott Lites. I have one next to my bed so I can knit at night while we watch T.V, I have one out in my weaving studio and I have a desktop one that is next to my sewing machine. Thanks for an awesome podcast.
I would use my Ott-Lite for all my crafting needs! I have one that must be 20 years old…would love an updated one!
My husband and I were talking the other day that we need better lighting in the living room so that I can see better. I would definitely knit, crochet, spin, draw, journal, and read with it everyday.
Until now, I never understood what was different about OttLite from other lights. I’d love to do what I do longer! Having kids has ruined my eyes. Knitting, crochet, spinning…I’d love to do it all with an OttLite!
Also, my husband is a mechanic and being able to see is really tough. All the lights we’ve tried still have a strange flicker or the angle of the light just isn’t right. I wonder if OttLite could help him do what he loves longer….
I would love to use an Ottlite for my crochet and knitting projects! I keep hearing so much about them I really should get one sometime!
Loved the show.. I did not realize all the options available. After going through the ‘catalog’, I do believe all bases are covered. I am impressed by the sensitivity to your customer base. Kudos to you all. Just ordered three Ott Lites including a magnifier for my cross stitch. I am anxious to use my lights for knitting and cross stitch.
Once again an interesting show. Thanks ladies for bring a different type of product for us. This product would be a wonderful addition to my life. I will use it for my crochet, knitting and reading.
I would use an Ott Lite for a whole bunch of things. I would use it mainly for knitting and crocheting. I would also use it while reading books and magazines.
Although I’ve never had an Ott lite I am very interested in getting one since the podcast.
If I had an OttLite I would use it for my crochet and my knitting. I’d also use it for reading and sorting laundry, especially socks. I might even let my husband borrow it. 🙂
Somehow, I ended up with the side of the bed and the side of the couch that isn’t close to a lamp (or an outlet for that matter). I had long been thinking I needed to get a lamp to aid my knitting and not be so hard on my eyes. So, the battery powered version sounds intriguing. I also like the idea of the bulbs to use in our bedroom lamps.
My Ott-lite helps make my sewing hobby possible. With winter and long days at work, finding a time when there’s enough light in my sewing room was difficult. Now it doesn’t really matter. Off to go finish some jeans in the still-dark morning!
I need a floor model Ott lite and a desk version. I would use the desk model when scrapbooking. The other one would shine over my shoulder when knitting
If I had another OttLite I would put it on the table behind my sewing machine. I have a desk top and a floor model already, so knitting is illuminated. Would be great to have one that would improve the lighting in my sewing room.
So exciting! I don’t have an OttLight, but I would use it for travel. Hotel rooms are always so dark!
I’ve never had an OttLight, but I’ve seen them in stores. I hadn’t considered one for myself until this episode. I’d use it near my couch for when we’re watching Netflix and I need light in the dark.
I first learned about OttLite at work. My brother bought me one for my desk and I fell in love. Hubby bought me a rechargeable portable Ott Lite that has since given up on charging after many years. I also bought myself a beautiful shaded Ott Lite lamp with a swing arm to sit next to my chair. I use that lamp every day when I knit and crochet. And I don’t leave home without my little flip lite!
I love my Ottlite. I’ve had 2 floor styles for years. One is near my recliner, and the other is near my desk. I use them constantly – knitting, spinning, and as a desk lamp. I have a couple Flip Lites which I carry in my project bags and they are perfect for those darker areas when trying to knit.
I would love to have an ottlite beside my chair when i’m crafting. I knit and sew and the flip up ottlite i have makes that so much easier.
I have never heard of ottlite before today but now I want one. Under my Ottlite I would have me in my chair either knitting, corcheting, spinning, coloring or cross stitching. I need an Ottlite for all my crafts!
Love my Ottlites! Besides using them while crafting, the Ottlites help me with fighting Seasonal Affective Disorder in our long winters!
I am working my way backwards as I listen to old podcasts. This podcast sold 2 more Ottlites for Jo-Anns this past weekend. Bought the little flip light on Saturday to try it out…and got a floor lamp on Sunday. They really make those crochet stitches in dark navy easier to see.