Yarn Thing Sponsor, Erin.Lane Bags’ Lindsey Martin NEEDS YOU
Yarn Thing sponsor, Erin.Lane Bags’ Lindsey Martin NEEDS YOU and share with us why on the Yarn Thing podcast with Marly Bird.

It’s been a crazy year for Erin.Lane Bags! They have been creating special bags for our favorite people and events and being that they are all handmade, are completely collectors items. These special bags have mostly SOLD-OUT including the recent Stitches Texas bags.
Those are the ups. There are downs too, like getting stuck on the road home from Stitches West (Erin.Lane bags is based out of Tennesse so there is a lot of road to get stuck in!) and Lindsey getting sick at Stitches Texas with food poisoning.
But Lindsey is determined to persevere. The biggest challenge she meets with a fierce determination, having enough fabric for all of her fans to get the bags they want. For example, (this can be found at her Crowd-Funding page) Lindsey found a fabric with a sweet knitting sheep design. She called as soon as she received notification of it’s availability to find that it was ALREADY sold out. When she finally did get it, she called to order again and it was again sold out.
To meet the challenge of having the fabric her customers want when she can use it, Lindsey has given us the opportunity to help her by means of a Crowd-Funding plan. This has been really successful for lots of o take a giant leap in their success. It gives us, the general public, the opportunity to support a small business that we love. In this case, we can contribute any amount we can afford (or more if we wish to REALLY show we love them) from a dollar. There are also levels that reward contributors with product, anywhere from a sock bag, to a collection of bags that you could share with everyone at knit night. (Or for every one of your projects!)
There is so much more to look forward to with Erin.Lane Bags. She also mentioned her newest products, the Zippity Do Da and the Zippity TWO Da bags, which Lindsey totally credits Marly with naming. For 2016, Lindsey is organizing a club, called Indie Yarn Carnival that includes a bag with coordinating yarn from 6 independent dyers. They are also registering people for a club based on Lindsey’s favorite books, CS Lewis Narnia series, called A Year of Winter which will include yarn from indie-dye companies. The deadline for that is December 15th, so get signed up, there are 6 packages, payable in 12 installments, and you don’t want to miss any of them.
Just want to point out, Lindsey’s bag/yarn clubs really shows her support of other small businesses, because some indie-dyers are often found doing their work in the big pots in their kitchen.
You can find Erin.Lane Bags website at this link, BE SURE TO VISIT the Crowd-Funding page and share it with all your crafting friends. Erin.Lane Bags are also very active in Social Media, you can find them in Ravelry, Facebook, Twitter, so make sure you’re following them everywhere, too.
Just for fun, here are the links to Lindsey’s two earlier visits to the Yarn Thing podcast, in 2013 and just earlier this year, when Erin.Lane Bags became a NEW Yarn Thing Sponsor.
Categories: Podcast
I love Erin.Lane Bags! I believe that Aslan, if he knew Lindsey, would roar about the new things that is happening at Erin.Lane bags. But alas, it is our job to do it so GO LINDSEY!! I enjoyed the podcast and as always, I learned something new. I didn’t know about the Zippity2Da, and I am really excited to see it. I hope it makes it to Stitches South. Thank you, Marly, and please keep doing what you’re doing. Your podcasts sets a standard of excellence and I recommend your podcast to all knitters and crocheters I meet. Enjoy your day!
I LOVE Narnia! And of course I love Aslan. I recently watched the movies again and Liam Neeson’s voice fits perfectly. I’ve been hearing about Erin Lane bags from various podcasts for awhile so it was nice to hear more of the background. I’m still wondering where the company name comes from. I used to think the owner’s name was Erin but clearly not! 🙂
I had no idea who Aslan was but now I know! Thanks for another great podcast. I’ve always wanted an Erin Lane bag. Hopefully, I’ll get one soon.
I have purchased Erin’s bags at Stitches and I just love them, adding an Aslan bag would be great. Thank you so much for bringing so many great guests to your podcast.
I love it when Lindsey is on Yarn Thing! It’s so obvious that y’all really respect, enjoy, and love each other. This episode was like a great big hug; Aslan would be proud. One of the things l love about Lindsey’s Erin.Lane bags is that the fabric choices are not all super-girly. As a guy who knits, it’s challenging to find good project bags that are either gender-neutral or full-on manly, so thank you for keeping us in mind. I wish Lindsey the best of luck as she expands her business via the crowdfunding campaign — that’s very exciting! As are the clubs that Erin.Lane will be having next year! EXCITING TIMES!!!!!!! –KnittingDaddy Greg
A great podcast and an Aslan geek-out, what a great combo. Exciting news from Erin.Lane. Need to put some on my Christmas list and hopefully Santa will deliver! Thanks Marly and Lindsey!
I really enjoyed listening to this podcast. My kids loved the Chronicles of Narnia – when I would read to them, I always had to do a “special voice” for Aslan!
Fun podcast. It was really interesting hearing about both the issues that can arise with ordering as well as The Chronicles of Narnia and Aslan. Love geeking-out.
My most vivid memory from the movie version of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (which I saw several times as a kid) is of Aslan. I finally read all the books for the first time a few years back and really enjoyed them. Genius idea to have a club based around them!
What a fun podcast and so happy to hear about the new zipper bags. Aslan and the Chronicles of Narnia remind me so much of listening to the books on long road trips with our children. Your new club ideas are fantastic! I have loved using your bags since ordering on line after a Fiber Hooligan podcast several years ago.
The Aslan/Narnia themed bags is a great idea. Thanks for the lovely podcast.
We’ve read all of the Narnia books to our kids (in the published order). I don’t know how much it affected them, though, because I bet if we asked them who Aslan is, they wouldn’t know! They are still very young, though, and might get into Narnia more in the future.
Love the geek-out over the Chronicles of Narnia and Aslan. Fun show.
pmack17 on rav
I love Narnia, too, but I prefer to read them in chronological order. Aslan is wonderful no matter how he is encountered. Lindsey’s bags are wonderful, too, and I totally agree with her bag philosophy.
I love listening to audiobook while knitting. I must get the Narnia books so I can find out what Aslan is!!! I love Erin lane bags and own a few including a Marly Bird bag.
Great podcast again.
Erin.Lane bags are so beautiful and creative! I like the idea of the clubs, especially the Narnia/Aslan one. I think it’s awesome that the project for Mr. Tumnus is a scarf (muffler). What else for Mr. Tumnus, right? It’s perfect. Thank you for another enjoyable podcast – I love listening!
Great show. I love sittIng on my patio listening to podcasts and audiobooks. I need to put Narnia in that group so I can hear about Aslan.
I just love Erin Lane and Erin Lane bags!! I also loved hearing about the new zipper bags and especially the two sections zipper bags. That sounds like the perfect bag for me. I haven’t read any of the Chronicles of Narnia series so I have alot of catching up to do. Aslan and the Narnia theme for material for your bags is just a wonderful idea! Can’t wait to see it when it is created. This was another absolutely wonderful podcast Marly. Thanks for always doing a great show and having great guests on. Team Marly and Tammy are awesome, and so is Erin Lane!
I love the Narnia Chronicles, especially, of course, Aslan. I also love Erin Lane bags. Thanks for this opportunity. Can’t wait to see the bags in person.
I hope that Narnia is my new lucky name. I should reread the Cronicles of Narnia with my granddaughters. Good luck, Erin.
Oops… Aslan. Correct above.
As always – a very entertaining podcast! I have several Erin Lane bags and think that an Aslan themed bag would be fun. It seems that just about all of your bags are fun! I can’t wait to see you at my next Stitches event and get one of your new zipper bags!
Great podcast. Erin Lane bags are fantastic. And now ones featuring Narnia! Wow! Aslan is on the prowl.
I hope the crowd funding goes well. It was fantastic to hear you talk about what’s involved and why you want it. I will definitely be eager to see how your business evolves as its already taking you to amazing places. I am not a reader of the CS Lewis series so I had to look up Aslan. Now it makes more sense.
I just signed up for the A Year of Winter Club because Aslan Rules!! I didn’t quite understand the project bag thing until I bought my first Erin Lane bag and got hooked big time. I love Marly and Lindsey.
I have not read CS Lewis series, The Chronicles of Narnia, so I had no idea who or what Aslan was, now I do and want to share this with my grandchildren. I listen to Audio books while I work and I think this series…in order of publications is going to be the next on my list!
Pam 🙂
I totally need an Aslan project bag! I can’t wait till she gets her funding and we can all buy the new bags!
I’ve never read the Chronicles of Narnia or seen the movie. A friend of mine has a custom Olympic spinning wheel with the characters on it so I do know who Aslan is. I’ve been looking at Erin Lane bags and plan to buy at least one soon.
I just ordered your bag that holds two projects. I have a trip next weekend and hope to put it to good use. It’s a mystery as to the print, and it’s too early to have the character Aslan on it. I have yet to read all the books. I listened to the first one years ago when kids listened to audio books instead of watching movies.
I really enjoyed the podcast. You two have so much fun together! Your Narnia club sounds really cool. I don’t know anyone else who first read the Narnia books as an adult like I did. I remember being pleasant surprised to discover Aslan’s alter ego, if you know what I mean. I’m sure he’s proud of Lindsey. I’m one of those people who use plastic bags for my projects so I really do need an Erin.Lane bag!
It has been so long since I read the Narnia books I had forgotten who Aslan was and had to go look! I got a nice project bag for Christmas last year (before I knew about Marly or Erin) and I LOVE IT! But just like with yarn, I need more! Guess I will make shopping easy for the hubby again this year. =)
I’m not nearly as much of a Narnia geek, but an Erin.Lane bag with Aslan fabric might change that! The indie dyer collaboration sounds amazing! I just know every single combo is going to rock!
See you at Stitches West!
Aslan fabric would be awesome!! Thanks for those beautiful bags, Lindsey.
Thanks for another great show. I loved hearing from Lindsey. I only have one Erin.Lane Bag, the mini one, but will defiantly be looking to get the Zippity Do Da for Christmas!!! I love bags that have the zippers so that all of my stuff doesn’t fall out when my son decides he wants to help me! 🙂 Maybe Lindsey could come up with a fabric line with Aslan and other Narnia related things.
Great show! I love the Aslan idea! I love Lindsey’s bags!
It was great to hear from Lindsey again and see what all she’s up to lately — which is A LOT! And so great hearing her excitement for these new fabrics for the bags! Wonder if she’s thought of doing fabrics of college teams or their mascots knitting? LOL! Such a fun show and I’m so glad you are C. S. Lewis fans as well, especially of Aslan! (By the way, I’m slowly getting away from ziplocks — sorry for this awful admission — but I’m working on it as I save up to buy Erin.Lane bags!)
An Aslan Erin Lane bag would be the best! Love those bags!
I was soo excited to hear the episode live. I have been a fan of Narnia and Aslan since i Was a child. I was happy to introduce my daughter to it when she was younger as well. There are so many versions of him on the small and large screen, but I really enjoy him in print. Always love looking at your bags and the kits with the White Witch looks amazing.
My son knows who Aslan is, but sadly I do not. I guess I have some reading to do while I knit. That being said, your bags are all wonderful. Such a nice selection even for people like me who pick a non Aslan theme!
An Erin Lane bag, perfect! ASLAN print, ROARING!, I think I’ll add a couple bags to my Christmas shopping for my knitting group!!! So FUN!
I have never read the books of Narnia but I have seen many films based on them. Aslan is my favorite character. Speaking of characters the two of you are a hoot together. A fun podcast was had by all!
What a great episode! I sadly don’t have any Erin Lane bags in my stash yet, but I have contributed to the crowdfunding for her fabric line, so I’m looking forward to getting one next year 🙂 Although hearing about the Narnia club might mean that I get some sooner because I might not be able to resist that. P.S. totally agree with Lindsey about the reading order and the impact of the first mention of Aslan!
I haven’t read Narnia since I was a child, but it sounds like I need to reread it to find out whi Aslan is. Thanks for another great show ☺
Thanks for the podcast! I can see from the comments that we are all Erin Lane and Aslan geeks! Brought home some bags from Stitches Texas, love them. Good luck to you!
Yes another great podcast.
Thanks for all you do.
I love The Chronicles of Narnia and Aslan. Love geeking-out.
Love Erin Lane Bags.
I love The Chronicles of Narnia and Aslan is my favorite, I want to knit while I listen to the audio book and use a erin lane bag for the knit project.
I love the theme series Erin Lane bags! Aslan from the Chronicles of Narnia is great! Thanks for another great interview and podcast!
I don’t have an Erin.Lane bag (yet!) but I think Aslan would be an awesome bag! Totally looking forward to SAFF this year, now am I not only taking a class with Franklin Habit but I’ll also get to put my hands on an Erin.Lane bag. YAY!! See you at SAFF!!
What fab ideas for Erin Lane Bags!!!! I’m sure you’ll do “ASLAN” proud! Can’t wait to see the new fabric designs and matching yarn!
Another great podcast!
Even though I had never heard of Aslan before this podcast, I know that I would love anything from Erin Lane. Lindsey, you rock! Wish I could have gotten one of the “I shake my tail feathers with Marly Bird” bag…
Even though the only Aslan I know is Aslan trends yarn 🙂 – I hope you wont hold it against me and give me one of your fabulous bags!!
I love seeing the Erin lane bags at Stitches East. Wish that they were going to the NYS Sheep and Wool festival this weekend. I loved learning about the new bags – Aslan will be great.
I wish I could attend a knitting event that Erin Lane Bags were at. I would love to see all her different bags, patterns, and other items.
I have a few of her bags and love them all. I have only read the first book and love the Aslan character.
I tried to get my ten year old niece to read about Aslan, but I may have messed it up by calling it a classic. Oh well! Off to check out your fundraiser.
I can’t believe I missed Erin.Lane Bags at Stitches Texas! I looked up the Indie Yarn Carnival and A Year of Winter that Ends with Christmas (which includes the Aslan cowl) knitting clubs and I love the concepts. I told my husband that I would one of them for a Christmas gift!
This was a fantastic podcast! I can tell you two are peas in a pod 🙂 It is great to hear about someone who took a leap to pursue a creative career and is thriving. The Narnia inspired bags sound amazing from Aslan to the kids to the bonus White Witch sets…I may have to splurge next year lol.
I don’t normally sign up for monthly or by monthly fee programs. But this is one of the programs I am going to sign up for next year. I really look forward to seeing what Lindsay comes up with. I too think Aslan will love what she’s up to.