Social MEDUSA takes over….
First we begin with spotlight of the sponsors of the Yarn Thing podcast:

Honorable mentions should also be listed (other companies of yarny goodness that we talked about together); like KnitCircus Yarns and their podcast, also Dark Matter Knits podcast and Fiber Hooligans, Seattle Mariners Stitch N Pitch, Traveling Ewe with JJ Foster, Steve Malcolm….
I’m grateful for Rachel and Kim, both from Kentucky, Renee from Michigan, Alison (she’s done contract knitting for Marly) Jenny ~ congrats on your Buffalo Wool Co win, those mitts sound wonderful, Caitlyn, from Pennsylvania, Laura in California and Liz in Washington State. Thank you for calling in and letting me chat with you! I appreciate those that listened live, THEY had ten minutes of silence, if you go and listen to the archive, YOU won’t have that. Thank you to those on the line and those in the chatroom for your patience.
If you missed getting to hear this live you can find it where it aired originally as an archived episode: or in iTunes.
Categories: Podcast
Loved hearing how you became the social media Medusa!
What an amazing medusa you are. I would live to be a medusa
I listen to a lot of podcasts every week. Mostly they are tech podcasts. NONE of them has a Social Media Medusa, they don’t know what they are missing. I love hearing both you and Marly laugh, it always makes me smile.
I love that you’re the social medusa. You did a wonderful job today, and I would appreciate a lot more medusa sessions. I learned a lot about what’s going on in the fiber world. It was certainly a surprise to learn that Drew is retiring :(.
Great podcast! You are truly THE social media medusa!
Great show. I LOVE that you are known as the Social Media Medusa. You do such a great job managing all the behind the scenes work and you did a great job with the show.
I have not been doing yarn arts for very long so I still really enjoy hearing from all the different segments of the industry but one area that I haven’t heard from much on this podcast that I would love to know more about is from LOCAL yarn store owners. The small local shop that doesn’t have an online business as well. I think it would really be great to hear in detail just what it takes to get a yarn shop up and running as well as how to keep it going and get business. What is involved that they customer doesn’t realize.
Also, though it was published awhile ago, I recently read a book called “Sweater Quest: My Year of Knitting Dangerously” by Adrienne Martini. The book tells of her adventures with her goal of knitting a Mary Tudor. It was such a great book and I could not put it down. I would love to hear her.
Thanks for all you do – you and Marly Bird have such a great show!
Dear master media medusa.
Great Job.
interview suggestion: A lot of podcasters collect bears for the mother bear program. It would be great to hear more about it
Another one is Heather Ordover from Craft Lit.
Thanks for all you dol
Tami, I thought you carried on splendidly today. Marlybird and her social medusa are a great team together. I love the joy and laughter you two share. Always a pleasure to listen to the podcast.
Tammy, what a great podcast! I’m bummed that I had a conflict and couldn’t listen to the Medusa live. It would have been great to dial in and chat with you a bit. I hope to hear more of you on the podcast in future episodes! –KnittingDaddy Greg
Greg I missed you, I was worried you were back in the hospital with your stones, so happy to see your post. Take care friend! ~ tammy
Enjoyed the podcast this morning! Now we know a little about the social medusa Marly is always talking about! =)
I hoping that Marly is having a wonderful time on vacation with her family. I has a wonderful time listening the her very competent and entertaining Social Media Medusa!
Tammy, you did a great job! I enjoyed the podcast, and I thank you for taking over when the BIRD flew the coop! Every time I hear the term “Social Media Medusa,” it makes me smile!
I really enjoyed this show. It was interesting to hear how Tammy became the Social Medusa. It was also fun to hear from other listeners. Thank you Tammy for giving us a show this week while Marly was on vacation.
It was fun to hear the story about the medusa today. I haven’t been listening to Marly long enough to know how you two got connected.
Tammy , you and Marley make a great team, but you are the social media medusa!!
I was so interested in what you were saying, that my uarn got away from me. When I caught up with the ball, it looked like Medusa’s hair. Keep up the great work.
So fun to listen to the Medusa on the podcast since I get to see her at our LYS for knit night most Thursdays. Hi Tammy! You did a great job taking the reins while Marly is on vacation. Mary Anne
HELLO NEIGHBOR Mary Anne, so very tickled to see your comment this morning. If I had known you would listen in I would have done a shout-out to you, Your sweet mother RUTH and happy bunny Angus! Thank you for making my day, I will look for you at knit night tonight! Love, ~tammy
Marly, you have a great Medusa!!
Great podcast! Congrats to the Medusa!!
I loved listening to the Medusa host an episode! Maybe you’ll get to retire from your IRL job someday. 🙂
Hi, Tammy! Or should I say “Medusa”? Enjoyed talking with you and listening to others and their ideas for guests on the podcast as well as getting to know bits about you and your other listeners! What fun!
Tammy a/k/a The Social Media Medusa did a super job! I’d like to hear Marly interview Tammy about all Tammy’s ventures, historical to current, related to the fiber world!
Great job, Social Media Medusa, for carrying on the show without Marly. I enjoyed hearing about what the sponsors are up to – and hearing from all the listeners!
What a good idea to have your social medusa fill in for you while you were on vacation. Tammy did a great job. I hope you had a wonderful time with your family in the happiest place on earth.
I loved hearing about Tammy’s upcoming trip to a “stitch and pitch” event. Maybe that could be a podcast topic – how the “stitch and pitch” events around the country are done. I don’t think our local one is anywhere near the scope of the one Social Media Medusa is going to!
A wonderful Medusa you are, Tammy! Thank you. I enjoyed listening to all the conversations today.
Fantastic podcast Tammy! If anyone deserves the title Social Media Medusa it’s you for sure!!
The Social Medusa was wonderful! Tammy, you handled the podcast great. Thanks for taking the reins for Marly.
I had a great time talking with Tammy. Thanks for sharing the story of how you and Marly met. I had fun and hope Marly had a great vacation that was well deserved!!!
How do I get my own social media medusa? Honestly, I could sure use one to help keep me organized. 🙂
I thought Tammy was a stellar podcast host. She is not only a social media medusa, she is skilled at juggling several balls at once and a fine interviewer. She seemed very much at ease in the live format. I was so glad to have listened.
It was a fun podcast listening to Tammy the Social Medusa. It was interesting finding out how Tammy and Marly became a team. I really would like to hear more from the various crochet bloggers and podcasters.
You did great Tammy for a Social Medusa. I liked hearing what others would like to listen to. Enjoyed the story of you and Marly meeting.
Hmmmm … I bet when you were a little girl you never dreamed you’d be a social media medusa someday! Life is great, isn’t it!
Seriously – I love hearing you “on the air”, Tammy. I’ve been a follower since your hooligan days.
Tammy is was so wonderful hearing your wonderful voice. I miss hearing you on Benjamin’s podcast. You did an AMAZING JOB today!!! I love the title that Marly gave you as Social MEDUSA. I am going to miss seeing you at Midwest this year. I made an agreement with my husband if he let me go to the Into the Wool knitting retreat I would for go Stitches.
Social media Medusa Tammy, I really enjoyed the podcast. Keep up the good work ☺
Medusa Tammy, it was great the way you stepped up and ran the show. I hope you will do it again when Marly’s schedule gets overbooked.