
Sharon Zientara, Author of 3 Skeins or Less: Quick Crocheted Accessories

Sharon Zientara, Author of 3 Skeins or Less, Quick Crochet Accessories visited us on the Yarn Thing podcast with Marly Bird. This was her first time visiting, but her experiences in our fiber world were not that of someone who hasn’t had learning opportunities.

Sharon Zientara profile picSharon learned to knit when her mom came and taught knitting her second-grade class. Her mom, Sharon says is an amazing seamstress who did a little of everything. A friend had an alpaca farm in Colorado so she moved there to help out and get paid in yarn, knowing Interweave was nearby. She applied for an internship, worked with Eunny Jang, and moved along to Interweave Crochet, working also with Marcy Smith.

She moved to Seattle to work with Skacel in their new retail location Makers Merchantile. This was an opportunity to work with many teachers, like Franklin Habit and Cat Bordhi. Meeting June Hemmons Hiatt, who wrote Principles of Knitting, was life-changing for her as she and June’s son met and fell in love, he moved to Seattle and they are working to further June’s work, updating and SZQuickCrochetedAccessoriespublishing a second edition of Principals, he redesigned The Knitting Belt.

Just last year (amazingly!) Sharon’s first book was published, It Girl Crochet (link to the publisher, Interweave), followed by her current book is just out 3 Skeins or Less: Quick Crocheted Accessories both included patterns from a wide variety of designers, with a varied collection of projects. She said her goal was great-looking modern accessories, not strictly for women, and would make great gifts.

You can follow Sharon Zientara’s work on her Ravelry Designer page.



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  1. Carly says:

    I enjoyed the podcast today. I loved how practical Sharon was and appreciate that she wants to design accessories that people want to wear. I am sure the weather in Seattle provides a great setting to wear her new designs

  2. Thekla says:

    What a lovely show. Thank you for persevering Marly. Seattle is a fun place to visit. Sharon, you have had quite the career already! I look forward to what you have coming next.

  3. kathy says:

    Marly, thanks for this great podcast and introduction to Sharon Zientara now of Seattle but previously of Colorado! What an amazing career history!

  4. Suzanne says:

    You two covered a lot of ground in this podcast. I couldn’t help smile when you, Marly, mentioned you would be in Seattle with your husband. For some reason, the way you said Seattle, it made me think of the movie. I hope you two won’t be sleepless. 🙂

    I really like the Buttons and Lace Hat Sharon designed.

  5. Mary Anne says:

    Since I live in Boise, Seattle is a quick trip away. We love visiting Seattle and have found some wonderful yarn shops there. Thanks for a great show. Go Mariners!

  6. Audrey says:

    Never been to the American Northwest. Heard Seattle is an impressive city. Someday! Thank you ladies for sharing with us on the podcast.

  7. Ida Williamson says:

    I live and work in Seattle and it was great to hear Sharon on the podcast. Definitely sounds like my kind of crochet book. Can’t wait to check it out.

  8. Sheryl sanders says:

    Another great podcast! Your guests just get better & better….
    My husband & i were in Seattle last summer and just loved the rose garden-


  9. Mary says:

    Enjoyed the Podcast, as Always! I would love to go to Seattle. They seem to have a lot of yarny things going on there. I saw this book, and I would love to win it.

  10. Laura says:

    Awwww….I miss the Pacific Northwest! Got to live about an hour north of Seattle for 3 years and would LOVE to go back. What an interesting path Sharon went down. I love hearing all the different stories. =) Her books sound fun; I will have to go check them out.

  11. Michelle says:

    My husband and I did an Alaskan cruise, last year, for our 20th wedding anniversary. While out there we spent time in Seattle. It is a lovely city. Just as lovely as today’s interview BTW!

  12. Mary L. says:

    Wonderful podcast! My favorite project from Sharon’s book is the tessellation socks – I would love to make those. Seattle is on my list of places to visit – hopefully soon!!

  13. Renee' C. says:

    How interesting to hear about Sharon’s career and her move to Seattle. I’ve never been to Seattle but have heard of many great places to visit there and have heard that there are a lot of gluten-free places as well which is imperative for me being a Celiac! Thanks, Marly, for introducing us to another great designer!

  14. Missy Schmidt says:

    YAY FOR CROCHET!!! Lol! Thanks for the awesome show! Seattle is on my list of places I want to visit! I’ve only ever been to the airport! LOL!

  15. Amy says:

    Thanks for the crochet love! I enjoyed hearing about Sharon and her work. I’ll be in Olympia in a couple weeks, but sadly wonmake it to Seattle.

  16. Kim Schroeder says:

    I have never been to Seattle, but I would love to go sometime. I actually won last week, but had to take a phone call from a broken hearted friend and was not available when you picked me.

  17. Kayleigh M says:

    I always love quick projects. Seattle is on my to visit list, as lots of my friends keep moving there! I’ll have to bring one of these quick projects on the trip!

  18. Melissa C. says:

    Loved listening to Sharon talk about her career, very interesting. I like hearing what leads people in the industry to their current careers, and I hear Seattle has a thriving yarn community? Thanks again!

Marly Bird

The One and Only, Marly

Marly is a knitwear and crochet designer (and yarn addict) that is here to help you learn how to knit and crochet in a way that's fun and approachable.

Meet Marly

Knitting & Crochet Patterns for Every Mood
A cartoon image of a joyful chicken, sitting comfortably in a green armchair, knitting happily with blue yarn, surrounded by pink and white flowers, looking for DIY project ideas. -Marly Bird

Netflix & Chill

Simple projects for when you want to relax and zone out

A colorful illustration of a white rabbit with a unicorn horn, nestled among multi-colored leaves arranged like a fan behind it, projects every mood of peacefulness and whimsy. -Marly Bird

Social Butterfly

Frustration-free projects that you can easily work on in public areas

A whimsical illustration of a white chicken adorned with pink flowers and light pink butterflies, featuring flowing tail feathers and a playful pose, all set against a simple white background, perfect for mood-based projects. -Marly Bird

Smooth Jazz

Projects that require a bit more intense focus (but music is nice!)


Shhh Be Quiet!

Advanced projects requiring deep focus (but a big payoff, too!)