The Return of Deborah Newton
The Return of Deborah Newton on the Yarn Thing podcast with Marly Bird.
This episode took place because Deborah’s newest book came out right after she visited with us last time and she ASKED if she could come back to share it and another fun thing she’s planning. We LOVE that!
Deborah Newton has been designing professionally for knitting magazines, yarn companies and for
Seventh Avenue for over 30 years. Her first book, the classic DESIGNING KNITWEAR, has been in print since 1990. Her book FINISHING SCHOOL: A MASTER CLASS FOR KNITTERS was in Amazon’s Top Ten Craft Books for 2011. Deborah hopes that her most recent book GOOD MEASURE: KNIT A PERFECT FIT EVERY TIME will change the way knitters think about choosing sizes in a pattern, and how to alter patterns successfully! Deborah also writes a regular column for Vogue Knitting magazine, sharing her professional expertise on a wide range of knitting topics.

Deborah teaches often and excitedly about her favorite knitting topics: design, pattern writing, finishing and fit. And she loves to share her enthusiasm in classes about illustration, cable knitting and Scandinavian motifs. This year she is pleased to be finally sharing a goal she has
had in mind for over 20 years — she will be leading a 4-Day workshop in all aspects of Knitwear Design. The event will take place in September of this year 2017, hosted by North Light Fibers on Block Island. For more info, here is a link.

Deborah Newton’s design work can be followed in her Ravelry Designer page. Here is the link to listen to Deborah’s earlier visit to Yarn Thing in 2015. Good Fit Good Measure can be purchased through Amazon with Marly’s affiliate code.
If you missed getting to hear this live, it is still available as an episode where it was archived:
You may also view Marly’s behind-the-scenes video that she shared LIVE in Facebook at her page:
Categories: Podcast
I”m still a novice knitter, but my sister loves making sweaters. Finishing for a Good Fit is essential. I’d love to learn more.
To me finishing is the most important thing to get right. It elevates your project from “homemade” to “handmade”. Keep up the great work ladies. Love the show.
Great podcast as always. Good finishing of your garments is necessary for a good fit too.
Finishing a garment is great. Getting a good fit is an accomplishment all its own. Loved your tips.
I am so bad at finishing I am so much better at starting! Thanks loved the podcast!
WOW!!!! The retreat sounds amazing. Hope you get to go Marly. For those of us who unfortunately won’t be able to attend, the book sounds like a great substitute. “FINISHING FOR A GOOD FIT” is the goal and such a disappointment if not achieved. All tips and advice are welcome!!!
I struggle with putting an idea to paper; if I could manage that then I may find Finishing a garment with a good fit something to be proud of.
Love making sweaters. But actually haven’t finished one for me yet. But this book might help me create a good fit.
It is always best when finishing that you have a good fit
Another great episode! I often dread finishing a garment but maybe with Deborah’s book I can learn to enjoy it.
I would like to learn better finishing techiques. Sometimes things just don’t look a good as what I think they should it would also help for a good fit. Someday I might get to go to a workshop like this!
I’m a new-be knitter so getting a good fit as well as a polished finishing is a struggle…Looking forward to checking this book out!
I love getting the finishing just right. I wanted her good measure book, and now I want her book on Finishing techniques too. So much to learn. Thanks!
super loved the podcast Marly! i am not that advanced but i would loooove to go to the retreat! im a seriously thinking about it!
I loved hearing Deborah’s story of her life in the fiber arts. of course Finishing for a Good Fit would be an excellent resource. Your retreat sounds like a dream, but I won’t be able to attend. I hope it goes well for all that attend.
I enjoyed this podcasts, the retreat sounded amazing. I do struggle with good fit, so I need to check out your book!
My dream is to make a garment with a good fit!
I have knit many beautiful things but finishing sweaters with a good fit for me is still a challenge. Good podcast!
I am a great starter but poor finisher. I so need to work on my finishing skills.
Finishing for a good fit is my new mantra. Love Deborah Newton.
I’ve made a couple crochet sweaters and on the last sleeve of my first knit sweater. So happy to say they have all been a good fit! (Ahem…swatching, washed and blocked is the first step….)
I really enjoyed listening to Deborah! I think finishing is what really puts the final touch on a project and there is a big difference between a good job and a poor job.
I have to learn about finishing for a good fit. I need this book. Thank you for offering up all this knowledge that you have garnered over your career.
I enjoyed listening to Deborah today. Finishing for a good fit is something that I still need to work on. I am always looking for new and different ways to finish my hand knits.
I don’t mind the finishing work, but it’s the inertia that keeps me from starting a garment project! Thank for a great podcast!
Great interview with Deborah. I am not the fondest with finishing techniques. Maybe her book, FINISHING SCHOOL: A MASTER CLASS FOR KNITTERS, is a good option for me to get. Also, Deborah’s book, GOOD MEASURE: KNIT A PERFECT FIT EVERY TIME, sounds like I could get a good fit with the sweater I am currently knitting. Would love to get both of these book to help my knitting. Thanks for a great podcast.
Finishing can make or break a project, so learning more about how to do it is always a good fit!
This was an inspiring Podcast. I have been knitting for about 10 years now and have never felt I could do garments. I think if I can get one of your books I could. Thanks for the inspiration and I will be finishing for a good fit.
I really need to learn how to do finishing for a good fit. I have never enjoyed finishing and my garments show it. Deborah’s books would sure be an asset to me.
I know I am too late to the party, but wow this would have been great to win! Finishing for a good fit <3
Loved the podcast! Finishing and fit is definitely a weak spot for me! I need her books!!!
Finishing is so important, I definitely need finishing for a good fit advice.
I am still working on perfecting a good fit in my knitting, but i’m beginning to think that might be a life long learning experience.