Pam Haschke of Halos of Hope
Pam Haschke of Halos of Hope was the AWESOME Guest of the Day on the Yarn Thing podcast with Marly Bird. Pamela Haschke is the Executive Director and Founder of Halos of Hope, now an eleven year cancer survivor. She has been on the program before, but it’s good to get caught up with this HERO and her organization.
Halos of Hope has just finished up their Stripe it Up campaign which suggests we use up the bits left over, especially after the holiday knitting, to make the unique and artistic hats that may make the day of someone who’s lost their hair as a side effect of chemo while fighting cancer. They also helped another organization by sending hats for kids to go with Joy Jars.
The next big project is to expand their work, more so on the local level, creating a network of Angel Ambassadors. This opportunity has come about as donors and volunteers wanted to make sure their local cancer centers would be benefitted by their efforts. The concept is really not new, as there have been chapters across the country but to organize an effective way to continue to grow the efforts. They are looking for folks who ‘able to identify the needs of their communities and work with like-minded volunteers to benefit their local cancer centers, hospitals, infusion centers, oncology offices, or cancer-related non-profits in their areas’. Requirements also include adults (over 21 years of age) in a smoke-free home.

Pam mentioned that there are areas that they are really in need of Ambassadors; Arizona, Illinois, California (Northern especially), Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, New York/New Jersey, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania (needs about 1,500 hats a year!) and Virginia. Each of these look to Halos of Hope for support, but there are other areas that have not been built up, like Alabama and Tennessee.
Coming up in their calendar, there will be a booth at Stitches South in Nashville, hosted by the Hook a Frog group. They are doing a Red, White & Blue theme for the election year, a patriotic theme. They are also looking forward to Stitches Midwest (sorry they have not posted anything yet we can link to yet, but it’s COMING SOON!) to promote the Angel Ambassador program.
Marly remarked that knitters and crocheters are generous in their work for the charity things they do. Even Pam isn’t paid for the work she’s doing with this project, she does it because it’s her passion, but certainly there would be no hats at the cancer centers to comfort a patient without, as Pam says: ‘the help of others who really want to help others in need. I always say I will be glad when they find a cure for cancer or a way for chemotherapy not to cause someone to lose their hair and put me out of a job. I will be very happy‘. We also mentioned Marly’s patterns that were created/designed/abundantly used for Halos of Hope: Gerri Hat, Ratatouille and Sous Chef are knit or crochet versions of the same hat.
You can keep up with Halos of Hope at their website:, Facebook, Twitter and Ravelry Group.

Categories: Podcast
Thanks for sharing the news on the new ambassador program. I hope we can all spread the word, and help you out.
Your ambassador program is a lovely and welcome idea. Thank you.
Alrighty IL Ambassador Potentials – I wanna know who I’m going to be working for! Marketing, fundraising, and fiber shows are a passion of mine, add in the rest of the amazing team in The NW Burbs and you’ll be sore from all the laughs. Can’t wait to see who it’s going to be!
During Lent every year, I act as an unofficial ambassador to get my knitting friends help me knit for charities. We have supported Halos of Hope, Mother Bear, and Knitted Knockers. I have been motivated by listening to podcasts such as this one. Very inspirational.
What an awesome program! An ambassador surely wears a halo of their own.
Loved listening to this and the ambassador program sounds great. I did a mental inventory to see if I could do that for my area, but I don’t think I have the time, but it’ll be on my list for the future! I don’t do a lot of charity knitting because I don’t have a lot of knitting time in general, but I definitely would like to increase that in the future. Good luck to Halos of Hope!
So nice to hear about the good that your ambassador program is creating! I’m definitely inspired!
The new ambassador program sounds like a wonderful program. Good luck with it!
The new Halos of Hope ambassador program sounds like a win win opportunity for everyone. I would love to win this prize and make the hat to donate. Wish me luck!
The ambassador program sounds wonderful and inspirational. Thanks for the interview.
The ambassador idea is very smart–it’s nice to know that the volunteer’s efforts will go towards helping out locally.
Halos for Hope is a wonderful way to give back and very personal for me. It seems the ambassador program is a great next step
The ambassador program is a great way to expand the really needed work that Halos of Hope does. Looking forward to seeing how many hats you get at Stitches South.
The ambassador program is a great idea. I enjoyed listening to this episode – it was very inspiring!
The ambassador program is a wonderful idea. I wish you all the best with it. This is such a worthwhile cause.
Thank you for sharing the ambassador program. I would love to donate to the program in my area.
Thank you so much for wanting to have a ambassador program for halos of hope in every state . I’m in Kansas .
The ambassador idea sounds lovely! Thanks for another great podcast!
I have donated hats before at Stitches West, and loved that it was so easy to do my part. I think the ambassador program is a fantastic idea! I can’t imagine how challenging it can be to manage a program that has grown so much, and I hope the “angels” will spread their wings.
Your new ambassador program sounds like a great idea. Keeping things local is probably easier and it appeals to people to help their local community. Good luck.
Great idea for an ambassador program!
The ambassador program sounds like a good way to spread out the workload, and the good word. Best of luck to you.
The story behind Halos of Hope was very touching. I was happy to hear more about the charity and the ambassador program. Thanks for having such a variety of guests on the podcast!
I am actually trying to see if I can do the ambassador program. Halos of Hope is one of my favorite charity. I really enjoy making hats for others in need.