
Marly Bird Garter Stitch Shawl Knit-along Section 1

The Marly Bird Garter Stitch Shawl Knit-along  Section 1 is sponsored by Red Heart.

This is the very first KAL I’ve hosted that is based on my own pattern and includes a full set of HD videos of me demonstrating how to do each step of the shawl! You will find the full instructions for SECTION 1 below. 

Once the KAL is complete the full pattern will be available at MarlyBird.com.

Marly Bird Garter Stitch Shawl KAL

Queue it up and Like the Pattern on Ravelry


A SHAWL! Something that is rather simple, uncomplicated and gauge isn’t something that is super important. The project for this KAL is a rather easy shawl but it packs a lot of punch. There are many learning opportunities for me to teach you while you make this garter stitch shawl.


The official start date is March. 30, 2016 – April. 27, 2016. There will be one video released each week along with the pattern instructions for that section. You will find a full schedule at the end of this post with links as they are available.


There is a dedicated Facebook group for this KAL that is monitored by me and several of the WONDERFUL sampler knitters who tested this pattern for me. We are all there to help you with this project. Please join us!


Below you will find the instructions for SECTION 1 of the Marly Bird Garter Stitch Shawl.

THE MATERIALS NEEDED  ETA 4-3-16: please note the yarn amounts required for Color C has been changed to 2 balls. 



THE GAUGE: 17 sts = 4″ (10 cm); 36 rows = 4″ (10 cm) in Garter st. CHECK YOUR GAUGE. Use any size needles to obtain the gauge.


kfb (Knit into front and back) = Knit next st but do not remove from needle, knit into back loop of same st and remove from needle.

Let’s Begin


Using 24″ needles and with A, cast on 4.

Row 1 (wrong side): K1, kfb, kfb, k1 – 6 sts.

Row 2: K1, place marker, kfb, place marker, k1, place marker, k2, place marker, k1 – 7 sts.

Place a removable marker to this side of the shawl to signify the right side.

Row 3: K1, slip marker, kfb, kfb, slip marker, k1, slip marker, kfb, kfb, slip marker, k1 –11 sts.


Row 1 (right side): K1, slip marker, kfb, knit to last 2 sts, kfb, slip marker, k1 – 13 sts.

Row 2: Repeat Row 1 – 15 sts.

Row 3: K1, slip marker, kfb, knit to 1 st before marker, kfb, slip marker, k1, slip marker, kfb, knit to last 2 sts, kfb, slip marker, k1 – 19 sts.

Row 4: Repeat Row 1 – 21 sts.

Repeat the last 4 rows 3 more times – 51 sts.


With B repeat Rows 1 and 2 – 55 sts.

With C repeat Rows 3 and 4 once, Rows 1–4 –4 times, then Rows 1 and 2 once – 105 sts.

With B repeat rows 3 and 4 once – 111 sts.

With A repeat rows 1–4 4 times – 151 sts.

With B repeat rows 1 and 2 once – 155 sts.



Finish section 1 and be ready to start section two on April 6, 2016.

Once you finish your section be sure to post pictures to the facebook group as there will be a prize given away from RedHeart.com to one lucky person (who is randomly chosen) that has finished his or her homework during the week of March 30, 2016 – April 5, 2016 @ 11:59pm. Goodluck!

Knitaong Facebook Group

OH, One last thing! 

Be sure to use the hashtag #MarlysShawlKAL when you post about it on social media

so we can find what you are saying 🙂


 ETA: I will make a paid for PDF available soon but the free pattern will always be available here on the website.

Marly Bird Garter Stitch Shawl KAL Marly Bird Garter Stitch Shawl KAL Free PatternJoin the Marly Bird Garter Stitch Shawl KAL

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  1. Judith says:

    Excellent start for beginners – clear instructions written with stitch counts to make sure you are on the right track! a must for beginners!

  2. Vivienne says:

    All your information is very informative.
    I would also like to know where you get the markers you use..
    Thank you somuch

  3. Judith says:

    Just a very minor point which nearly had me in trouble! I put this down to my eyesight which at 76 isn’t good – but the row that tells you how many times to repeat an instruction needs a small piece of punctuation to divide the numbers ” Rows 1-4 4 times” perhaps should read “Rows 1 – 4/ 4 times” Like i said only a minor thing but at a glance i read it as 44!

  4. Connie Tessier says:

    Hi Marly, I’ve started the shawl and I’m enjoying making it, but I have a question about the yarn. If the lighter blue in the very first section of the shawl is Color A, and the bottom seed stitch in the darker blue is Color C, it sure looks like I’ll need more of Color C than Color A to make this shawl since those last rows are the longest. Also there seem to be more stripes in the darker blue in the striped sections.

    Are you sure it shouldn’t say 2 skeins of Color C, and only 1 skein of Color A? Or maybe I have the colors mixed up. Which color is the seed stitch section, Color A or Color C?

    • MarlyBird135 says:

      you are absolutely correct! I had the same feeling and asked my sample knitters over and over if the yarn amounts were correct. Well, turns out they were getting my letters mixed up and YES, they did use 2 balls of COLOR C! I’ve made the change on the pattern details page and everywhere else I can think of. In the meantime, you have a choice, you can go and get another ball of color C and make section 3 in color C –OR– you can make section 3 in Color A and it will look lovely! I will show you this on the third video.

      I am choosing to use this mix up as a teaching tool. It is a pain, yes, but if you get lemons make lemonade 🙂

  5. Chris Lopez says:

    I’ve already started and live it. I favorited on Ravelry but have no clue how to rate it and add a picture.

  6. Vivienne says:

    Thanks for the information.
    Could you please tell me how to post a picture of the shawl. I have been doing it
    On Facebook. Is that right?
    If I happen to be off count do I have to rip back.
    do I increSe at the. Enter spine on every row?

    • MarlyBird135 says:

      posting on facebook is perfect 😉 you increase down the spine on row 3 only (or in other words, every other right side row). If you get off count and can rip back easily then I suggest that.

      • Vivienne says:

        Thank you very much for your advice.
        I ended up with 155 stitches and I am finished with week one.
        Hope it looks right. Vivienne

  7. Joan Fischer says:

    What does ETA stand for? Could you clarify the weight yarn , (3, 4 etc)used and the yardage of each color, thank you. I have a lot of yarn but want to make sure I have enough of each color. Can’t wait to get started.

    • MarlyBird135 says:

      ETA stands for “Edited to Add”. The weight of the yarn is a 4. If you click on the name of the yarn it will take you to RedHeart.com for more information.

  8. Joan says:

    Hi, I a anxious to start but I have a question, could you clarify the weight yarn used ex; 3, 4, etc. and the total yards for each color needed? i am trying to use some of the yarn I have and want to make sure I have enough of each color

  9. Carole says:

    Ugh foiled again by knitting Going along just great and all of the sudden dropped stitches and went from bad to worse in trying to pick them up. Have to completely start over.

  10. Vivienne says:

    Great lesson. I have learned so much. You are great. Could you please tell me the chart is you posted.

  11. Leah says:

    Hi I am a first time knitter (been crocheting forever and day). I am going along fine on this project but had to put to down in the first section now I am lost as to what row I am on. Can you provide the stitch count for each of the rows?

    • MarlyBird135 says:

      Hi Leah,

      If you are part of the Knit-along group on Ravelry you will find a spreadsheet that has all the stitch counts included.

Marly Bird

The One and Only, Marly

Marly is a knitwear and crochet designer (and yarn addict) that is here to help you learn how to knit and crochet in a way that's fun and approachable.

Meet Marly

Knitting & Crochet Patterns for Every Mood
A cartoon image of a joyful chicken, sitting comfortably in a green armchair, knitting happily with blue yarn, surrounded by pink and white flowers, looking for DIY project ideas. -Marly Bird

Netflix & Chill

Simple projects for when you want to relax and zone out

A colorful illustration of a white rabbit with a unicorn horn, nestled among multi-colored leaves arranged like a fan behind it, projects every mood of peacefulness and whimsy. -Marly Bird

Social Butterfly

Frustration-free projects that you can easily work on in public areas

A whimsical illustration of a white chicken adorned with pink flowers and light pink butterflies, featuring flowing tail feathers and a playful pose, all set against a simple white background, perfect for mood-based projects. -Marly Bird

Smooth Jazz

Projects that require a bit more intense focus (but music is nice!)


Shhh Be Quiet!

Advanced projects requiring deep focus (but a big payoff, too!)