
Lipstick KAL: Week 1–Choosing the RIGHT Size

Lipstick KAL: Choosing the Right Size for YOUR Lipstick

If you have taken my Curvy Knits class either at STITCHES or on CRAFTSY you know that choosing the right size all begins with what you already have in your closet!

To choose the correct size Lipstick for YOU we are going to take the measurements of a piece you have in your closet. Right now, go to your closet and choose a garment that you like the fit of and want the Lipstick Cardigan to fit like. For me, I chose a sweater that is a little snug around my body from my waist up (in all the Stockinette stitch portions of the sweater I am making) knowing that the band around the lower half of the Lipstick will have a good amount of ease. I think it is more important to have the body FIT correctly.

Here is mine:

I took a variety of measurements. If you are not sure what measurements to take I would take a look at the schematic and take those same measurements on your favorite garment. Once you have the favorite garment measurements you can compare them to the ones on the schematic and make any adjustments you might want to make.

I can hear you thinking, “Why would I make adjustments to this pattern? Is it not written correctly?” Well, of course it is written correctly. BUT, if you are going to take the time to make something for YOU why not make sure it is going to fit YOU the way YOU like it to fit? Now is the time to make any changes you might want so that when you are finished with YOUR Lipstick you are pleased with it. And, if you are like me and spent a pretty penny on the yarn I am sure you want your cardigan to fit GREAT!

You can see on my schematic I have highlighted all the measurements that pertain to the size I am making (2x) and a few notes for areas that I plan on making changes to have the cardigan better fit ME!

One of the changes I am making for mine is the front width. As written the fronts are 1/2 the back measurements which will work, but I know that for me if my fronts are less than half and the trim makes up for the area left open it looks better on me. SO, the schematic shows that the fronts for the 2x should be 12 1/2″ but I am changing mine to be 10 1/2″.

Making this change will change the number of stitches that I will need to cast on for the fronts and it will also change the rate of neck shaping but it will not change any of the side/row measurements so I will be able to follow the instructions for the 2x size whenever I am working to measurements. I’ve gone ahead and made the changes in the pattern before I begin to make sure that I don’t get carried away and forget to make the changes.

Note: I have highlighted the cast on number I am using for the left front but I also highlighted the 2x measurements to remind me of which ones I am using … I love visual cues! 

Specifically, for my changes I am going to cast on for the 10 1/2 inches (44 sts) follow the pattern same as the back to the armhole, then work the same armhole instructions as for the back and evenly for 3 1/2″ which is what the instructions say to do for my size. Because I cast on fewer stitches than the 2x size suggested but still followed the armhole instructions for the 2x I will have fewer stitches on my needle after the armhole shaping than written for either the 2x or the large (28 sts remain).

So I will need to also adjust the number of times I decrease to shape the front neck so that my shoulder stitches will match up front to back. There are 18 sts at the back shoulder for the 2x so if I have 28 sts after my armhole shaping I need to eliminate 10 sts at the front neck edge so that my front shoulder will match my back shoulder. Which means I will only work my decreases 10 times total instead of the written number.

I am not too concerned about this making the shaping shorter than written (it will be done over a little less than 2″ instead of the written 3″) because after I do the shaping I just have to knit the front to match the armhole measurement of the back so the pieces will match up 🙂 If I wanted to do more math (which I DO NOT) I could totally adjust the shaping to fit over the 3″ but like I said, I am okay with it being shorter.

Okay, I’ve made all my changes that I wanted…time to cast on and begin.

What changes are you making?


To maintain a schedule that will get all the pieces complete in time for us to wear this beautiful piece to Thanksgiving Dinner the goal for WEEK 1 is to complete the back of the cardigan. Find the correct cast on number for you and let’s start. Join the Ravelry Group to keep us all up to date with your progress and to cheer each other along!



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Marly Bird

The One and Only, Marly

Marly is a knitwear and crochet designer (and yarn addict) that is here to help you learn how to knit and crochet in a way that's fun and approachable.

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Knitting & Crochet Patterns for Every Mood
A cartoon image of a joyful chicken, sitting comfortably in a green armchair, knitting happily with blue yarn, surrounded by pink and white flowers, looking for DIY project ideas. -Marly Bird

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A colorful illustration of a white rabbit with a unicorn horn, nestled among multi-colored leaves arranged like a fan behind it, projects every mood of peacefulness and whimsy. -Marly Bird

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A whimsical illustration of a white chicken adorned with pink flowers and light pink butterflies, featuring flowing tail feathers and a playful pose, all set against a simple white background, perfect for mood-based projects. -Marly Bird

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