Let’s Get to Coloring with Franklin Habit
Let’s Get to Coloring with Franklin Habit on the Yarn Thing podcast with Marly Bird! Why, yes, let’s do…

Franklin has been on Yarn Thing before, and we love getting caught up with him each time he can make room for us in his schedule. This time we get to hear first about Miss Rosamund Adelaide (aka Roz) who was rescued by It’s a Pittie, a 19-month old Blue Nose Pit Bull. Her history was that she came from an irresponsible breeding program, then picked up from a domestic violence situation. If you follow Franklin’s posts in social media, Roz is obviously in her forever home and well-loved. There has been lots of pictures in the short two months since she has been part of the household.
Busy as Franklin’s life at the moment. He’s doing a lot of traveling to teach. In addition to his teaching schedule, Franklin writes for Lion Brand Yarn’s Notebook (link to most recent post) where he’s written for them for a few years, with an essay and a cartoon. Also, most recently for Skacel ‘Friday’s with Franklin’ which has already been moved from their website to the Maker’s Mercantile website. He’s written about what he’s playing with, weaving, knitting techniques, experiences in crochet (adventures in creating a Granny Square!). He loves that he has no limits but to play with yarn or fiber, which generates inspiration. It wasn’t mentioned by Franklin also writes articles elsewhere such as for Knitty.com
Franklin has been doing a lot with Soho publishing (of Vogue Knitting) and sent them a note suggesting a book of illustrations of knitting and crochet for people to color. They liked the idea so much they fast-tracked it, so Franklin’s packet of ideas very quickly joined the currently popular market of adult coloring books as I Dream of Color, with images of familiar elements with of what we love about knitting and crochet with fantastical ideas of astronauts knitting, or hedgehogs or unicorns…. Clearly a wander through the places where Franklin’s mind wanders.
There is a family story that Franklin’s mother (who just passed away in January) found her little boy coloring on a wall. Initially upset, but on closer look seeing that he’d drawn a bunch of cats on a fence in a field, realizing her
pre-toddler (not quite two) could convey an idea, and grow to attend Harvard, become the knitter, photographer, cartoonist we know was probably never lost on her.
NOTE FROM TAMMY: The first time I’d ever heard mention of Franklin Habit, was with his book of cartoons, It Itches. I actually saw him present a copy to Mo Rocca in a video…. but that’s another story. The reason I point this out is Franklin has been drawing things to make knitters and, really, all yarn lovers smile for quite some time.
Franklin Habit can be followed through his website: www.the-panopticon.com, but he’s most active in Facebook or his Artist page, in addition to the other things we’ve mentioned. (That’s where I stole the charming picture of Roz from.) Here is the links to his previous visits to Yarn Thing with Marly Bird in 2013, and about a year ago.
It was such s delight to hear the positive end to Roz’s story! I’m excited about the new book. It’s so funny because a group I belong to was playing replace one word from a movie title with the word yarn. I did “I Dream of Yarn” for the TV movie and the very same day heard about Franklin’s new book.
ROZ is such a good name for a dog. Wish I’d thought of something more inventive when I was picking a name for Lady. Although it turned out well, instead of the expected 8 lbs, she’s a tiny 3.8 lbs. She stays entertained while I knit and crochet by laying under a hand towel on my lap. When she’s being feisty she’ll unsuccessfully try to run away with a yarn ball. She’ll get about a foot then topple over. Grea
t livecast today. love getting to know all these fous people in the knit and crochet world. By the way I loved your cable car adventure!
Lynne from Ames, Iowa
PS. already order a copy of ” I Dream of Yarn”
We don’t have a Roz, but we have two rescue cats that are quite fond of my crochet hobby.
Oh, I love Roz. She looks so stinking cute. My rescued pit is named Molly and she is the best, Great show guys and I cant wait to color.
Loved this podcast! Franklin Habit intrigued me before I ever taught myself to knit, and you’re right, Marly, his humor is spot on. We’re going to need more than one of his books in this house!
Marilyn, with my rescued husky, Chessie, at my feet.
My Roz is Fiona Blue the cat.
I love Franklin’s book. I have colors several pages already, and share each with Franklin via FB. I even bought a set of Prism pencils just because he recommended them. I am looking forward to the contest, and future posts on Lion Brand and Friday’s With Franklin.
I loved Gu
I loved Guinivere the way Franklin loves Roz. Congratulations to my knitting guru on this new venture (adventure)!
I love Franklin’s essays and drawings on Lion Brand. I enjoyed hearing about Roz. does she get along wtih Delores the sheep?
Roz is so cute. It’s great that Franklin got her and she has her forever home. I’m really looking forward to getting, I dream of yarn coloring book. I have a couple other books, but I’m sure not as good as this one. I can’t get enough of knitting, crocheting and of course yarn.
The real question… Is Roz knit worthy? Will she get sweaters and scarfs to keep her warm in Chicago’s wind? I bought a bunch of coloring books last year and find the pages too busy. I can’t finish them in a week… I now look for “pictures” rather than full page chaos so Franklin’s book will be a great addition to my quest for relaxation.
Would you believe my next door neighbor’s name is Roz? Another great interview Marly!!
Roz has such an adorable face and looks like a complete sweetheart! Yes dogs are the best loyal friends we could ever have. Your coloring book sounds amazing!!!
I was so excited to hear that Franklin Habit was going to be on the program. Such a great talent. His Craftsy class has helped me a lot. And I’ve seen peeks of the book on Instagram. How lovely to hear about Roz and her rescue from a terrible situation. Thanks for the great episode!
All rescue dogs are special. We are on our third and fourth rescued Great Danes and love them dearly. Roz looks like a gentle soul who knows she has found her forever home. I can’t wait to see Franklin’s coloring book. It sounds like so much fun.
I love the name of Roz for your dog. I love my pet too, which is also a rescue – aren’t they wonderful. Can’t wait to see your coloring book. I’m sure I’ll spot your humor!
I just love Franklin and I’m so glad that Roz found him. Would love to have Franklin’s new coloring book and seeing the dragon page and the yarn performance page. Such fun awaits.
Roz… what a great name for a dog! Remember the character from Frasier? LOL
I love the cute picture of Roz and can’t wait to get the new coloring book. I have a pittie/bully dog mix myself and she is the sweetest dog ever. Mutts make the best dogs.
I enjoyed the podcast with Franklin today, and I’ve been a fan for a long time. I have done a few of his patterns, and actually do dream of yarn. I’m glad he’s so much like the rest of us, and has found unconditional love with Roz! Thank you for the inspiration!
Franklin’s colouring book looks awesome! And Roz seems super cute and loveable; it was nice to hear her story (especially its happy ending).
Franklin, I love the photographs of Roz that you have on facebook. Reminds me of a dog that my sister had, He was the biggest sweetest lap dog you ever saw and was ruled by her tiny chihuahua mix. If I ever get caught up with my orders of paintings, I will do one of her for you.
What a pretty girl that Roz is!!!!! (Said in that moofy voice that we all use so doggies know we are talking about them……..). No matter how rough the day, our Canine American friends are always there for us, aren’t they?
I don’t have a Toz in my life due to allergies, so I am jealous of both you and Roz for having each other.
This coloring book looks fantastic and I would love to get one! Have to jump on the coloring band wagon!
What an great episode! Franklin is such an intelligent person, but he also comes across as funny, kind and very personable. His love for Roz is very obvious – I can relate with 2 rescues – Finn our black lab mix and Rocket, our most recent rescue – an Aussie Shepherd mix. My daughter has a special place in her heart for pit bulls and works with them every chance she gets at local animal rescue facilities. Thank you Marly, Tammy and Franklin!
Another example of what a wonderful person & knitter…Franklin Habit is. I love that he choose a rescue dog( Roz) for a pet and that he designed a coloring book for knitters. Thank you so much for making our world a better place.
Roz is one lucky pup! I have a small bunny and I crochet things for him often and I am also spinning his fur into yarn. I can’t wait to see your coloring book. I am often dreaming of yarn!
Loved this podcast! Roz has such a sweet face. My “Roz” is my 14 year old Jack Russell mix named Jackson. His life story before he came to live with us is a bit sad, but he has been the king of this family since the day he walked in our door. Love him to pieces!!
The coloring book designs look like they’d be fun to do. I’m glad Roz had a forever home now. All of our dogs have been rescued from shelters that only keep the animals for a certain time period.
Funny story about Roz! Thanks for the fun podcast!
I, too, want to know if Roz gets along with Delores?
Roz is lucky that she has Franklin to love her. Franklin is such a wonderful imaginative, creative man and a great teacher. Together they will make a good team. I hope she inspires some cartoons that Franklin can share with us
It was nice to hear Franklin’s story about Roz. I got excited listening to this interview and finding out that Franklin would be teaching some classes in Texas this summer!
So nice to Roz’s story. I sort of “rescued” a boxer many years ago….My friend got a boxer and after 15 months decided a pet was not for her…I decided to take him and give him a good home and I did. He has been gone for many years, but we rescued a kitten this time. This little gem, and I mean little…6 pounds….was in the shelter for 5 months, and very shy! I suspect that is why she was not adopted sooner…but I wanted to give her a good home and we did!
I love the name ROZ for a doggie. I like the simplicity of Franklin’s book and definitely have taken advantage of the links Tammy posted for the other places Franklin’s work is popping up.
Roz will be thrilled if I win this book that I so desire!
Does Roz tell you, “I’m watching you!” all the time? I’m so glad you rescued her. Loved hearing about your new coloring book!
I love that he adopted ROZ. I am from Chicago and have started my journey in adopting dogs with a great organization called PAWS. Ever since then, I have been providing a forever home for dogs who need one. We have 2 right now =) Love the concept of coloring blended with knitting. My Grandma has been rocking out the coloring and I’d love to share my passion of knitting with her through coloring. Thanks again for a great show.
I love Roz. She is so cute!
How wonderful to have a dig like Roz!
Driving from Maine to Michigan. Listening to Marly and Franklin in Canada in the middle of the night. I look forward to buying Franklin’s book. I’m happy to hear about Roz! Thank you for saving the podcasts for us to listen to at odd times!
I enjoyed Franklin’s interview and I love seeing pictures of Roz on Instagram.