Kristin Omdahl of Styled by Kristin and Wrapture, Yarn Thing SPONSOR
Kristin Omdahl of Styled by Kristin and Wrapture, Yarn Thing Sponsor makes her a Superhero and why we love every visit with her on the podcast with Marly Bird.
Kristin Omdahl’s latest venture is another book (she says it’s #10) is Crochet so Lovely (Available as a Kindle book! It will ship in Paperback on March 11th). Her great sense of style makes for patterns. She tries to imagine what she would wear if she was asked out by Duane ”The Rock” Johnson (even though he’s off the market, you’d want to be dressy!) whether it’s a beach date or a night on the town. She says it’s a book of crochet garments that uses various techniques like motifs and hairpin lace, or BOTH.
One of the pieces she loves was inspired by designer bags you might see at the mall, of laser cutwork. Kristin created a bag that is lacework in creation and then felted for a near perfect match!
It is a lesson for the rest of us that not every idea is a failure because it doesn’t succeed the first time. Kristin says that some initial attempts do end up in the garbage and she resorts to experimentation. This means she comes up with an idea, gives it a try, questions herself, but doesn’t give up. Sometimes spotting what others have done gives her the inspiration to give it another go.
Just for fun, let’s also mention that Crochet So Fine, a book with 20 designs came out about two years ago. Both of these book feature Kristin’s love of feminine, figure flattering designs created with beautiful yarns.
Her yarn lines continue to grow. Bamboo So Fine has now become the original finer gauge Be So Fine, 650 yards fingering weight, and Be So Sporty, 325 yards sport weight, both 100% bamboo silk, which creates beautiful, shiny fabric with luxury drape. When you receive the skeins, they come in a bag for extra protectiveness, a trial size of Kristin’s soak brand, Wrapture and a collection of patterns to knit or crochet, created by Kristin with the qualities of the yarn in mind.
Kristin is not only creative with Crochet and Knitting patterns. She has been drawing in the Zentangle style, and some of her drawings are have become the perfect fabric designs to be used with Erin.Lane bags. At Stitches East, last October, Kristin was there with 3 of her drawings on many different bags created by Lindsey. They will have a new fabric bag available at Stitches West, and there are a few in the Erin.Lane etsy shop.
You can also see recipes from Kristin on her website where she focuses on healthy-on-a-budget meals, which probably works well with the new focus on nutritional cleanse she’s doing. She is also making all-natural body-care products and has become a Jamberry consultant.
In addition to Kristin’s website, you can follow her on Facebook, and in Ravelry.
Also, Kristin is offering $2 off all yarn through the weekend, with code word MARLY
Categories: Podcast
Always great to hear from Kristin. I honestly have no idea how she gets so much done! I really want to try her sport weight yarn. I’ve never knit using pure bamboo and am curious as to how it feels and holds up.
Can’t wait to try the new bamboo! Is there anything Kristin doesn’t do?
I loved your visit with Kristen today. With the variety of talents she possesses, her energy seems boundless. I can’t wait to get my hands on some of her bamboo silk and patterns. Thanks, Marly, for introducing us to all the wonderful people in the knit & crochet industry.
Nice show again. I have never tried bamboo yarn before so I am excited to try it someday.
I have some bamboo blend sock yarn that I bought at a fiber fest last summer. It’s supposed to be a strong fiber that holds up well to abrasion and anti microbial to boot. I’d love to try some of Kristin’s yarn too.
Kristin’s Bamboo So Fine Yarn Line is amazing! I have been having so much fun working with both the Be So Fine and the Be So Sporty!
Bamboo So Fine would be a treat to knit with. As a spinner, I’m always interested in trying new-to-me fibers, so the knitter in me would delight as well. I admire your spunk and creativity, Kristin!
Enjoyed all the updates from Kristin, Marly! WOW! You’re right, she is the busiest woman ever! (Hope she’s taking her vitamins! LOL!) I’m so excited about her bags, the bamboo yarn and new colors, her soap, her books, etc. Amazing! Thanks, Marly, for bringing us such great info and guests!
Once again Kristin knocks it out of the park with a fantastic interview and amazing business savvy! Congrats on your new ventures and thanks for the coupon! I can’t wait to try your bamboo yarn for my large hook crochet shawl 😀
I’ve never knit with bamboo but I’d love to try. I’d also be really excited to win Kristin’s new book.
Lmecoll on Ravelry
I’ve knit some socks out of a bamboo blend sock yarn and really love the feel of them on my feet. I love trying out different fibers.
I think the dark teal on your Bamboo yarn is gorgous. Thank you for the coupon codes!
I would love to try Kristin’s Bamboo yarn. It sounds So Fine. Thank you!
I’m trying to expand my limited knowledge of crochet and yarn and have learned so much from your podcast. You are a very gracious and sharing host, Marly. Loved hearing about everything Kristin is doing and would love to try the Bamboo yarn.
Bamboo yarn is great and so was Kristin’s interview. I must say,though, that I feel I need to take a deep breath for her because I don’t think she ever has time to, herself
Listening to the podcast via iTunes since I’m at work when it’s on live. Kristin is truly inspiring! I just placed and order for Bamboo So Fine and will be anxiously waiting for that package to arrive. Then the hard part to decide what to make. Glad there will be some patterns included.
I loved hearing Kristin on your podcast again. The last time she was on, I was listening in the car, pulled into a parking lot, and instantly ordered some raspberry Bamboo So Fine. I got to meet her at Stitches East and see all her pretty yarn made up. Marly, I love your podcast!
I love knitting with bamboo. Thanks for another great podcast!
I would love to try knitting with bamboo. I hear Franklin Habit enjoyed his bamboo lace weight yarn. I can’t believe all the things that Kristin does and is still a single mom. “You Go Girl”
Kristin is an amazing woman. I had no idea that she had all these projects, products and artwork going. I would love to try knitting with her bamboo yarn. I saw the yellow B So Fine yarn on her sight and it is a beautiful, sunshine yellow that would make a beautiful shawl. Yellow is my favorite color.
Kristin does beautiful design work and she is so busy. The interview was entertaining, informative and fun. Maryl you do a great job covering all the topics and bringing us such interesting people. I would love to try Kristin’s bamboo yarn. I have not worked with that type of fiber yet and the colors are so vibrant.
I have only crocheted with bamboo once, and I am itching to get my hands on some of Kristin’s yarn! She is an amazing designer! Thanks for the opportunity!
I love listening to you and Kristin talk, informative and entertaining. As a recently converted acrylic-user, I’mexcited to try new yarns, and I already love Kristin’s crochet designs. I think I’ll head over to her Etsy shop now.
Hey Marly! I soooo would love to win the Be So Sporty bamboo yarn! I have the Be So Fine and love that. I have been a fan of Kristin ever since I found out about her from her first interview with YOU! The two of you are so creative and fun. Hope I win……
Hello from Michigan! Kristin, we have PLENTY of snow here–come be our guests! If you could send me an e-copy of your wonderful new book, I would be thrilled! Michiganders would love it!
I honestly don’t know how Kristin Omdahl does it all! I would love to test out that Be So Sporty on my bamboo needles.
I love Kristin Omdahl! I have no idea where she finds the time and energy to write all these books and design all these beautiful patterns. I have always wanted to try bamboo yarn as I’m always looking for substitutes for animal fibres, however the yarn stores in my area do not sell it. I love the podcast and look forward to the next episode!
Hi Everyone,
Thank you once again for such a great show! You are all such wonderful inspirations with all that you do, your drive, your passions and most of all your support, love and respect of one another. I am in awe of you all.
Kristine, I wish you all the best and much success in all of your endeavors. You truly are gifted, intelligent and a force to be reckoned with… you go girl! I look forward to trying out your products old and new…BAMBOO So Fine here I come!
God Bless,
Great episode. It was cool to hear about all the things that Kristin’s got going on. I would love to win and try out some bamboo yarn.
The perfect way to start a Monday morning walk is to be listening to Marly and Kristin talk…..though they live on opposites of the country – you can tell how close and supportive they are of each other. Bamboo…..I love it as a plant and I love Kristin’s yarn with it!
It is always so much fun listening to you chat with Kristin. Sounds like she is part octopus with all of the various things she has in the works. I would love to try her Bamboo yarn. I think it’s great that she is naming some of her yarn after the Spice Girls. . Too funny!
Kristin’s so talented. It would be great to try her bamboo yarn, maybe for a cowl.
I was so excited about the Michigan connection, that I think in my comment above, I forgot to say ‘Marly!’ Could it be that I, too, am a pretty bird? LOL!
Knitting with bamboo is a pleasure, knitting with Kristen’s Bamboo I’m sure would be double the pleasure.
Always so interesting to hear from Kristin Ohmdahl. Gives me inspiration to continue to learn to crochet. I love the look of the Bamboo So Fine Yarn, it looks like it has beautiful drape and shine. Thanks as always for a great interview, Marly!
Love your podcast! I’m a big fan of Kristin, and can’t wait to try Bamboo So Fine.
Marly, you make my commute a positive, enjoyable time. Thank you!
Didn’t realize Kristin had a yarn made with bamboo. Very inspiring interview and can’t wait to implement more crocheting into my knitting projects.
I loved listening to the show. I enjoy knitting or spinning with bamboo blends. The drape,shimmer and shine is fabulous. I have been wanting to crochet again after a short hiatus, and think the Bamboo So Fine Yarn would give me a good incentive to pick up my hook again.
Thanks for a great show. I haven’t tried it yet but can’t wait to get my hands on some of Kristin’s Bamboo So Fine yarn!
I’ve been eying bamboo for a while now, but I haven’t made the leap yet. But Kristin’s looks so yummy, I may just HAVE to! lol
I bought some of the Bamboo So Fine yarn last year and made a beautiful shawl with it. I just love it! Can’t wait to see all of the new items!
Enjoyed the show and I love knitting with bamboo yarn.
I’m hoping to try your bamboo yarn soon. It would a great fiber for the climate in Texas.
I have never tried bamboo yarn, but would love to some day. Thanks for a great podcast and interview.
I love Kristin! My 1st successful foray with lace weight yarn was with Bamboo So Fine. I crocheted a shawl for my boyfriend’s mother who loves the things i make but is allergic to wool and wanted something soft. I love the colors and can’t wait to try her new yarn. Who knew bamboo could be so awesome?