Knotty Girls Podcast with Laura Wilson-Martos and Jennifer Moraca
Knotty Girls Podcast with Laura Wilson-Martos and Jennifer Moraca was NEXT UP in our PODCASTER NOVEMBER showcase on the Yarn Thing with Marly Bird.
Jennifer learned to knit while working on a theater project, one of the other crew members started teaching her and she followed it up with a ‘Learn-to-Knit’ kit. At about the time she put aside the aluminum needles and acrylic yarn for better materials someone suggested attending Stitches West. She was sitting with someone she knew from knit group and this indie dyer dropped the hint that she had yarn inspired by the tv show ‘Serenity’ which got Jen’s attention.

Laura learned to knit in a similar way, another friend named Jennifer that she was working with in theater crew (really, true coincidence) made Laura learn because she kept losing all her knitting friends with every new show. She had tried before but ‘it didn’t take’. But this time, it clicked. Later, she became intrigued with dying yarn. She established Dizzy Blonde Studios in 2008, was a vendor at Stitches West in 2012 , met Jen at that event in 2013, when Laura dropped a hint about the Serenity colorway. They really got to know each other at the Pajama Party that Marly hosted, in fact the fable was developed that they met there. After their initial conversations they felt like good friends already.
Laura had considered doing a video podcast featuring her yarn from DBS, and when they began discussing it, Jen dissuaded her from that as this would be in their free time and lots of editing is involved. Their format comes across as friends chatting over their knitting with the diversions of what they’ve read and seen on tv or at the theaters. They have similar tastes and can discuss things on an even level, and still show each other and listeners interesting and new things.
Laura also has yarn clubs featured through Dizzy Blonde Studios, Mean Girls Yarn club, Sunnydale Yarn Club and the soon to come, Nerd Yarn Club… Follow them on Facebook and Ravelry. It wasn’t shared during the program, but Dizzey Blonde also organizes a wonderful Knit Dizzney event that happens the Sunday a week after Labor Day. This last one had theme Stitch (from Lilo & Stitch) Dizzney, featured a skein of yarn in the special colorway, a project bag and a t-shirt. REALLY Fun! If you’re in the SoCal area and interested in attending keep an eye out for that at one of those links also.
Another thing not discussed much is Jen has a few designs, one of which was chosen for the 30 Day Sweater book to be published. It was a beautiful sweater created of Dizzy Blonde yarn and featured a wonderful tree design on the back. CLICK HERE to see it in Ravelry!
Knotty Girls Knitcast has a website, and a Ravelry Group, and are also in Facebook!
Categories: Podcast, Uncategorized
Dizzy is the word.
Enjoyed listening to the show. Love the laughs. I tried listening in on my phone but got Rohn Strong which was fun too. Hopefully next time I will get it right.
What a great podcast, I’d heard of the knotty girls podcast but have yet to check them out. It sounds like they are growing rapidly. I will definitely visit their shop whenever I am down in LA next. Sometimes I get so lost down there and am driving around in circles feeling dizzy. The kits that were given away to callers sounded amazing. I hope to win on this blog!
I’d love to try Dizzy Blonde yarn. I enjoyed the podcast today.
Lmecoll on Ravelry
The crazy story if how you met and became friends would make anyone dizzy.
I just listened to Marly’s second November podcast-podcast with Knotty Girls Jen and Laura. I love the gorgeous yarn colorways and became positively dizzy when I found the Sectrasemprum Stockings pattern on the Dizzy Blonde Studios website! I will definitely check out the Knotty Girls podcast. Thanks Marly, Tammy, Laura and Jen!
I’m familiar with Jen and Laura since I listen to their podcast. I hope I win as I’m dizzy with the thought of that.
hotknitter on rav
I have always wondered where Dizzy Blonde Studios got its name. Now I know. Woof!
Totally enjoyed the podcast. At times I was a bit dizzy just listening! Gotta check the Knotty girls out!
Great interview. Jen and Laura have a wonderful podcast – I listen at work and it helps me stay awake (I stock shelves at Target on the overnight shift). It was sure fun to hear the story about how Dizzy Blonde Studios was named. My dog takes one of those sort of dizzy fits almost every morning. Then I am pretty sure he sleeps for the rest of the day…
I absolutely can not wait to listen to this podcast! This sounds amazing. I have my own dizzy little dog who is the recipient of some of my crocheted work and sometimes she gets yarn before it’s crocheted. Thank-you for another wonderful episode.
I was hoping the key word would be Dizzy. Several years ago we adopted a rescued Great Dane named Dizzy. She was such a sweet girl who had a rough start to life. However, she was a strong personality and added much to our family. Great interview and I found another podcast to listen to while knitting..
I laughed so hard when I found out the Dizzy Blonde was a dog! Another great show, ladies!
Dizzy – a blonde dog! Who would have thought. Love the art work that looks like Dizzy. I really want to try Dizzy Blonde Studios’ yarn. Thanks for a great show today.
How funny, another Great Dane named Dizzy!! Thanks for the podcast!!
Great podcast today!! I got dizzy with all the excitement of finding a new yarn company and podcast to explore.
Thanks for another great podcast. Loved the story about the dizzy dog. I checked out Dizzy Blonde studio and the yarn colors are absolutely gorgeous.
Dizzy Blonde Yarns look gorgeous! I can’t wait to get my hands on some.
I did not know about the Dizzy Blonde yarn before listening to your Podcast, so thank you!!
I have heard about Dizzy Blond yarn before but have not got my hands on any. I loved the show and even became a little Dizzy from all the laughing 🙂
I am feeling a little dizzy thinking about all the wonderful patterns I could be knitting right now. Thanks for the great podcast!
Great interview. I’ve found another podcast to start listening to! I’m dizzy with excitement.
I feel dizzy, my head is spinning. Like a whirlwind it never ends. And it’s winning yarn that’s making it spin. I feel dizzy!
Listening to Jen, Laura and Marly is like listening to champagne! My head is dizzy from their bubbliness. Thanks for a fun show. RAD in NH
I have been going DIZZY with the amount of crocheting I have been doing. I loved listening to the show, I can’t wait to listen to Knotty Girls Knit Cast. Hopefully that will be the big push to get me to learn to knit. 🙂
I’ve loved listening to both the Knotty Girls Podcast and yours separately… the three of you make a great team. I laughed so hard I felt dizzy. You should make this an annual event.