Join-As-You-Go Blanket Patterns: Crochet, Knit, And Tunisian
You’ll love what you’re about to hear if you haven’t heard of join-as-you-go blanket patterns (also known as JAYGO). Do you have a love/hate relationship with making blankets using motifs? You love to make knit or crochet motifs because they’re small, quick, and easy. Yes? But you hate sewing them together because it’s boring and repetitive, and you want to be done already.
That’s why join-as-you-go patterns are such a fabulous option! They drastically reduce your finishing time so you can move on more quickly to your next project.
We all know that’s what you want to do, right?
You may not have fewer ends to weave in, but you will have less time spent with a blunt-end tapestry needle in your hand trying to decide which stitches to join together.
Crochet Join-As-You-Go Blanket Patterns
Here’s a great selection of JAYGO crochet blanket patterns we think you’ll love. From baby blankets to throws and blankets, there has to be something here you’ll want to try. We’ve found granny squares, C2C (corner to corner), hexagons, diamonds, regular squares, and even leaves for you to check out.

Yes, leaves! No, they’re not knit. Click on the Leafy Knit-look Blanket link below and see for yourself!
Once you find a pattern you like, gather your crochet tools: crochet hooks, scissors, tapestry needle (just for weaving in ends because you’re joining as you go, remember), and just the right amount of cozy yarn. Let’s get crocheting!
Building Blocks Crochet Baby Blanket
Confetti Dots Blanket by Marly Bird
Knit JAYGO Blanket Patterns
Knitting join-as-you-go doesn’t seem nearly as popular as crochet, but we managed to dig up a few options for you here. Your knit options include squares, strips, hexagons, chevrons, and balloons! Balloons – how cool! A great choice for a baby or kid’s knit blanket.

Check out the links below, then gather your knitting needles, yarn, and your favorite knitting tools, and let’s get creative.
Jaygo Checkerboard Knit Blanket
Fading Blocks Mitered Knit Blanket
Tunisian Join-As-You-Go Blanket Patterns
I know some of you out there can’t get enough of Tunisian crochet, so we managed to find these awesome patterns for you! You’ll find squares, strips, and even a spiral. This one’s a bit of a cheat, but you could make it bigger and use it as a blanket – it’s just such a cool design it had to be included.

If you know of any more fabulous Tunisian crochet join-as-you-go blanket patterns, please be sure to share them with us in the Facebook Group.
Tunisian Entrelac Crochet Baby Blanket
Auntie Bees Entrelac Tunisian Blanket
Video Tutorials
There’s nothing better than watching how to do something when you’re just not sure. That’s why I make these videos – so you can look over my shoulder and see exactly what I’m talking about. I explain every little thing step-by-step, working join-as-you-go, where to put your hook, and how to keep your work even.
Though here I’m working on specific patterns, these instructions can be applied to any JAYGO piece you’re working on.
Categories: Crochet, Designer Premium Patterns, Free Patterns, Knitting, Round Ups