
JC Briar of Stitch-Maps has NEW Craftsy Class

JC Briar of Stitch-Maps has a NEW Craftsy Class to share with us on the Yarn Thing podcast with Marly Bird.JCBriar profile

JC Briar has a very technical mind, she used to write software for a living. That ended with the ‘Dot Com Bust’ in 2002. It sounded like she was ready for that change in her life, because she felt burned out with deadlines and profits were all that mattered. She responded to an ad for a tech editor which expanded her knowledge of pattern development and writing.

She wrote a book, Charts Made Simple and worked really hard to make understanding charts a concise process (this was to topic of an earlier visit to the Yarn Thing podcast — link below). That has been a very helpful book many people may have it in their libraries, but not many know of her Stitch-Maps website. Stitch-Maps takes the grid out of knitting and shows the flow of the fabric, which helps a knitter to see where the directions are going. (At this point, not available for crocheting…) Seeing the way your lacework happens or cables, has made sense for so many knitters that there has been much excitement for every new development at the website. It’s not just JC’s work either, it’s a crowd-source of information, because many people have searched to find the patterns they are trying to figure out, and added it into the website themselves. Then it is there for others to find, understand, and use! The website is supported financially by subscriptions, not ads, as one caller commented during the visit, it’s a visually clean.

There have been a few magazines and books that using Stitch-Maps, for instance Hunter Hammersen’s ‘Curls’, in the e-book are helpful links to the website.  JC also cited that Lorilee Beltman is using Stitch-Maps as she teaches her classes. We will be seeing this happen more and more….

JCBriar Craftsy

JC has a BRAND-NEW Craftsy Class Socks My Way: Stitch Pattern Savvy (Marly’s affiliate link). JC says she was invited to teach this class as part of the Socks My Way series, and it was renamed from a workshop she teaches already (Socktastic Stitch Patterns). Much of
the class is understanding stitch patterns, choosing stitch patterns
that work well for socks, and choosing stitch counts that create socks that fit. She enjoyed it and hopes to do another class with Craftsy.

JC Briar tells us she loves the texture and patterning in her knitting and creating socks was a great way to do that on a small scale.

JC has visited the Yarn Thing podcast before, but it was in 2012 so it’s especially sweet to get caught up!  You can follow JC Briar at her website, where there are links to her book and Stitch-Maps, also her designs are listed in Ravelry. You can also find JC Briar teaching at the Plucky Shindig (Starting Sept 11th),  StitchesTexas in just a little more than four weeks (!), and at VKLive Chicago in October.


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  1. Audrey says:

    I am a knitting fanatic! Socks, mittens, shawls, sweaters…..how lovely it would be to be able to use stitch maps. Loved hearing how the technical background came into play for JC as a knitting teacher/designer!

  2. Kayleigh M says:

    I am quickly becoming a knitting fanatic myself. I’ve been crocheting for 11 years and just started knitting last year, because I find the charts so confusing and the written out instructions always need more clarification for me. Looking at Stitch-Maps is awesome, totally makes sense to my crochet shaped mind!

    I now feel like I can tackle lace! I want to just make a bunch of samples and try out the charts!

  3. kim dawson says:

    I am a Knitting, Crocheting, spinning, Yarn collecting anything you can possibly do with fiber and yarn related products Fanatic and LOVE me some stitch maps. I renewed my subscription recently and love seeing things because I am such a visual person. I loved the show as always 🙂

  4. DeeSadie says:

    What a great podcast, I had never heard of stitch maps but the idea of them makes me think that using them will be so much easier. I think I’d become an even greater knitting fanatic if I were to use stitch maps. Can’t wait to try.

  5. Amy says:

    I am a crochet stitch diagram fanatic and have only tackled a knitting chart once. It was definitely not intuitive for me. Stitch maps sound like just the ticket!

  6. Susan Crosby says:

    Add my name to the list of knitting fanatics. I love all things fibery. This was a really interesting interview. I’d never heard of Stich-Maps. Charts make me cringe so I will definitely check out JC’s website.

  7. Mary L. says:

    Stitch maps sound like a perfect tool for this knitting fanatic!! I am looking forward to checking out the website.

  8. Nancy in the Chickasaw Nation says:

    Fanatic. The dictionary defines fanatic as “A person motivated by irrational enthusiasm”. Hmmmm. I have become a knitting fanatic but I would like to think my enthusiasm is rational. I have decided the definer is either an irrational person or not fanatic about anything. Ardent (“Characterized by intense emotion”) is a better adjective — don’t you think??? As a retired designer of software systems (back to the big box days), I appreciate J.C.’s approach. I am really excited about the concept of Stitch Maps and plan to dive in and absorb. My goal: become a stitch maps fanatic!

    Thanks for another great show, Marley!

  9. Jenny says:

    Not a fanatic. I can knit other things besides socks….just as soon as I finish this self striping and that toe-up and the hat heel……. and maybe another skew….and….

  10. knitfantasy says:

    I am a knitting fanatic. I listen to podcast about knitting while knitting. I read knitting related fiction. I go to fiber events and let’s not talk about the stash. Yet, I hadn’t heard about stitch maps until I listened to this podcast. I am going to JC’s website next to check them out. Thanks for the links, Tammy, and thanks for another great podcast, Marly!

  11. MaryPat says:

    I , too, am a knitting fanatic! Who can’t be when they have great people like Marly, and Tammy and of course JC.. Thanks:)!

  12. Pam Bjerke says:

    I am a knitting fanatic and I love knitting lace. I can’t wait to try out the stitch maps. I have the curls book but might have to check out the e-book version to check out the stitch maps. As always a great show and Marley I hope you are well soon so you can laugh without coughing.

  13. Katelyn M says:

    Thanks for another great episode. I really enjoyed hearing all about the stitch maps. I love to knit but having the stich maps could make anyone a fanatic about knitting!!! Maybe we can start a crowd funding project to get a crochet version!! I am going to look at her new sock class right now. I haven’t done socks before but really want to!! Thanks again!

  14. Louise Gingery says:

    I enjoyed learning about stitch maps today. So much to learn, so little time for this knitting fanatic! Planning to check out the craftsy class right now!

  15. Missy Schmidt says:

    I am a crocheter at heart, but I’m learning to crochet. As such, I was absolutely riveted by the Stitch Map concept! How cool?!? This may be just the thing to help learning to knit “stick” this time!!! Thank you for a lovely podcast!!!

  16. Rachel McKinney says:

    We are all knitting fanatics here! Loved hearing about the inspiration behind Stitch-maps. I really liked the tip about using it to see what stitch patterns from historic knitting patterns looks like.

  17. Renee' C. says:

    I guess you could say I’m a fanatic about yarn, whether crocheting or knitting or needlework or weaving, all things you can do with yarn! And Stitch-Maps sounds like a perfect answer to understanding these things! What a great podcast! Thanks, Marly!

  18. Carol T says:

    I am very interested in JC’s Stitch Maps. I haven’t used charts thus far in my knitting, but I would like to learn to read them I think that Stitch Maps would give me the little push that I need to start using them. Thanks to Marly and JC on another great interview for all us knitting fanatics out in podcast land.

  19. Lori Biamonte says:

    I have been a knitting fanatic half my life, 30 years, although I learned much earlier than that. I love learning something new and am fascinated by the stitch maps. I am so anxious to try them. Once again, I loved the podcast.

  20. MimiD says:

    I have been a chart fanatic since I got a copy of Barbara Walker’s Charted Stitch Patterns from the bargain bin at a local book store in the 70’s. Stitch maps are such a leap forward!

Marly Bird

The One and Only, Marly

Marly is a knitwear and crochet designer (and yarn addict) that is here to help you learn how to knit and crochet in a way that's fun and approachable.

Meet Marly

Knitting & Crochet Patterns for Every Mood
A cartoon image of a joyful chicken, sitting comfortably in a green armchair, knitting happily with blue yarn, surrounded by pink and white flowers, looking for DIY project ideas. -Marly Bird

Netflix & Chill

Simple projects for when you want to relax and zone out

A colorful illustration of a white rabbit with a unicorn horn, nestled among multi-colored leaves arranged like a fan behind it, projects every mood of peacefulness and whimsy. -Marly Bird

Social Butterfly

Frustration-free projects that you can easily work on in public areas

A whimsical illustration of a white chicken adorned with pink flowers and light pink butterflies, featuring flowing tail feathers and a playful pose, all set against a simple white background, perfect for mood-based projects. -Marly Bird

Smooth Jazz

Projects that require a bit more intense focus (but music is nice!)


Shhh Be Quiet!

Advanced projects requiring deep focus (but a big payoff, too!)