James Cox Knits for the Man in your life
James Cox Knits for the Man in your life, was today’s HOT TOPIC on the Yarn Thing podcast with Marly Bird. This was his first visit to a podcast, we’re so tickled about this First Date!
James Cox called into the Yarn Thing podcast from Palm Springs, California, which is a ways away from where he grew up in Kansas. His family was very crafty, he says, his mom taught them everything from knitting and crochet to quilting. One day as an adult in the line at Woolworths he saw a booklet to Learn to Knit, stepped out of line and collected what he needed to start. That first project was a Fair Isle sweater that he still wears.
The mention of Woolworths kind of dates this story, he admits that was more than 30 years ago. He’s always been a fan of fashion and understands construction or how things are put together. He sees knitting as 3-dimensional grid in rows and columns of stitches, admires how things are finished. He found a local yarn shop that was helpful and nice, continued to design things for himself, and they led him into mosaic. During this time, he worked in the advertising industry which approached as an art director. It’s apparent that he has that detail orientation that successful designers and knitters have from his background and formal training.
His accumulation of designs and wearing his pieces himself led to comments and compliments. In a men’s fashion store in Paris, he was asked who designed the sweater he was wearing, and when he admitted it was his own, he was handed a business card and told to make contact when he released his line. At that point, he realized he was a they are exactly where they are in designer, which he had not thought previously was something he wanted to pursue. With his niece who is in the fashion industry, he began to plot a different course, develop a new brand. James Cox Knits gave him an opportunity to explore and experiment with yarns and fabrics on his own terms.
His concepts were based on modifications of what is out there and what we found people were wanting to knit. One of the things he includes is a row-checker, which allows a knitter to see what the stitch counts are and shaping so, if the project has to be set aside for awhile, it’s easy to find where you are when you pick it up again. He also puts his kits in a backpack which features elements that allow someone to knit on the go! His website features images (you really must see www.JamesCoxKnits.com) of his designs on professional models captured by professional fashion photographer. He wants his brand shown in a way that’s about fashion and about the fun of knitting!
When James began to design with the thought of selling his designs for other knitters, he was unsatisfied with what he could find, and heard from others that there was not much available. Working in San Francisco and Los Angeles, (he has a satellite office in NYC, and a home in the Caribbean, so he’s watching and studying on the road somewhere all the time!) he was able to observe and listen to what others were looking for. He creates designs in men’s sizes Small to Extra Large and sometimes Extra Small to Extra-Extra Large, but the women that are creating the pieces are sometimes wearing them as well. He develops designs from concepts then looks for the yarn to accomplish what it needs to do and be. For instance he says one of his designs is meant to be a bit dressier and classic, so he looked for a

cashmere. CoBaSi has been a favorite material of his design, using it once and then again in a lighter weight because of it’s fiber content, being Cotton/Bamboo/Silk blend, perfect for warmer climates, cooler evenings. He also likes the ideas that come with knitting top-down for it’s ability to allow for tailoring.
He is creating collections now, working toward twice a year producing Spring/Summer and Autumn/Winter ideas. Having his products at Stitches Events, Vogue Knitting Live, and elsewhere, meeting people and introducing his kits to folks has been positive and enthusiastic beyond expectations. Because of an article about James Cox Knits in California Apparel, his kits were included in the gift bags for the Oscars to Hollywood celebrities, like Angelina Jolie, Helen Mirren, Scarlett Johansson. The outcome of THAT, was that BD Wong will be modeling some of James’ things and in fact, James posted on his blog about BD’s knitting!
Most of what James has achieved in his business has happened in just a very short period of time, but his lifetime of experience has clearly led him to this wonderful adventure. James Cox can be followed through his website: www.JamesCoxKnits.com, with his blog, his Facebook page and Ravelry Designer page, also a Pinterest page!
Categories: Podcast
What an amazing interview! Marly
Called it a first day and it was. I absolutely love the website and the awesome designs. Awed to learn B.D. Wong started knitting at the age of 5! Definitely would love to hear him on the podcast!
Always a nice feature when a designer uses eye candy on his website and Jim Cox excelled. And it is always surprising to learn which celebrities knit, like BD Wong from Law and Order. A great listen today.
I loved the podcast today! Now I know where to go to get patterns for the man in my life! It was so interesting to learn that B.D. Wing from Law and Order is a knitter! Awesome! (tammy edited the spelling of the tv show)
I loved your podcast today and learning about James Cox’s designs. They are absolutely gorgeous (as well as the models). I loved James’ story of how he started, and how he is attracting Hollywood’s attention, including B.D. Wong and the Oscar gift baskets. Good luck with your future business, James.
Seeing celebrities like BD Wong styling in hand knits is wonderful. Great interview!!
What a super interesting interview. I love hearing about James, and what he has accomplished. I love BD Wong, talk about eye candy, but now knowing he knits and knits in public makes him even more attractive. Thanks again for bring a new personality in the fiber industry to our attention.
I love B.D. Wong. I can’t believe he knits. I’ll have to go to your website and check it out.
My hubby watches Law and Order so I believe he know BD Wong. Can not wait to mention he is a knitter! Thanks for a lovely informative podcast, as usual.
Love BD Wong! I had to scour James’ website for his pictures! All his stuff is very stylish and I’d love a kit. Will have to bookmark his page for gifts for my husband.
BD Wong is one of my favorite actors on the show! I love that he also knits!
Another informative podcast! I learned alot about BD Wong!
What a fascinating podcast this week! James was enjoyable to listen to and I found his story so interesting. More men like James and B D Wong knitting is a great thing!
Thanks for exposing me to another great designer. I love that James designs knitwear for men. It was fun to learn that B. D. Wong knits. Hurrah for knitters.
What an interesting journey for James! Love his sweaters (models weren’t to shabby either). Maybe I can make hubby a sweater he will actually wear. So fun to hear about celebrities to that craft like BD Wong.
These menswear patterns are awesome, maybe James could make some crochet menswear patterns as well… It was interesting to learn that BD Wong knits, and I enjoyed reading James’ blog post about his knitting.
BD Wong, definitely eye candy , whaaaat! Nice break from knitting!
How fun to learn that BD Wong is a knitter. The patterns from James are definitely man worthy.
I’m really loving James’ patterns. I enjoyed meeting him at Stitches Midwest where I got a sneak peek at the belts he is designing. I would wear them. It was interesting to hear about BD Wong and the fact that he is a knitter too.
First of all holy eye candy. Let me just wipe my drool really quick! What an inspiring man and I absolutely love that they included his knit kits in the Hollywood bags and that B.D Wong is a knitter. See everyone, knitting is cool! 🙂
What a great interview today! Thank you for participating, Mr. James Cox! Your refined taste in menswear and knits are refreshing for not only knitters, but the men who receive such knits! I read the blog post a few days before this podcast and found it quite interesting that B.D. Wong knits. How fitting that the two of you are working together. I look forward to seeing future designs and kit options on your site!
James’ patterns are just beautiful! I would love to knit the Chip Checkered Box Tie for my dad but it would also look dashing on BD Wong. I am dying to know which kit was included in the Oscars goody bags! What a fun interview!
Very interesting podcast, what a way to apply extremely keen business acumen to his new venture. How fun to learn that B.D. Wong knits, ironic since I have whittled away several hours knitting in front of constantly occurring episodes of Law and Order. Great way to move knitting into the mainstream with celebrity endorsement.
Enjoyed the podcast and always enjoy learning about men who knit and crochet, such as BD Wong. I am always trying to talk my boys into trying it with me.
If BD Wong can knit, so should my husband! I enjoyed hearing James on the podcast.
James Cox is a uniquely talented designer, and I love that he’s bringing hand knits to high fashion menswear. With models like B.D.Wong and inclusions in red carpet gift bags he is already becoming firmly established in the fashion world. Thank you Marly and Tammi for bringing us this very enjoyable podcast.
I would love to be able to knit one of his tie’s for my soninlaw. Gera has aspirations to be an actor – maybe he could also be like B. D. Wong and learn to knit!
B. D. Wong… Such a compliment to have him enjoy your designs. I loved hearing about your story.
What a fun interview and awe-inspiring knits for men. My husband is from Ireland and learned to knit as a young boy. He was happy to hear that he shared a hobby with B.D. Wong.
Thank you for creating such awe-inspiring knits for men. My husband is from Ireland and learned to knit as a boy. He was happy to hear that he shared a hobby with B.D. Wong.
BD Wong is a knitter, who knew! Like him on Law and Order. Great podcast with James and hearing his story.
I love that someone is designing for men, and really excited to hear about the possibility of a similar boys line. I have a grandson and nice boys patterns above 24 months are hard to find. I understand why he is doing the kits and picking the yarn for you, but for some of us that is part of the making the designs our own, so I would love to see him selling the patterns separately also. A very interesting interview. Thank you for introducing me to yet another designer.
I love that someone is designing for men, and really excited to hear about the possibility of a similar boys line. I have a grandson and nice boys patterns above 24 months are hard to find. I understand why he is doing the kits and picking the yarn for you, but for some of us that is part of the making the designs our own, so I would love to see him selling the patterns separately also. A very interesting interview. Thank you for introducing me to yet another designer. I do not watch TV much so I am not familiar with D. B. Wong, but I am glad James Cox is getting the exposure.
This was a very interesting interview with James Cox. I love his method of putting together his kits. Using a backpack to package the kit makes it really easy for knitters on the go to take their knitting just about anywhere. It was neat to learn that BD Wong is a knitter and to hear that he has agreed to model for James Cox Knits. I totally agree with Marly, there really is a lot of “eye candy” on the James Cox Knits website.
I bet seeing people like BD Wong knitting makes more folks interested in trying their hand at our great passion.
I loved learning about B. D. Wong’s knitting ability and think these men’s designs are great!
Haven’t knit something for my husband in years, but James and B. D. Wong have inspired me to look through these gorgeous patterns and try again!
I took Marly’s advice and went to look at the eye candy. It is so excite to me to see a celebrity like BD Wong knitting. They really do hobbies like the rest of us.
I was several episodes behind when I heard this podcast. By then I’d already seen the pictures of BD Wong knitting a kit floating around facebook. Now it all comes together to make sense!
Cheers to our male knitters. Glad to see more masculine designs out there. Thank you for sharing this wonderful world of knitting with us all James and B D Wong!