Halos of Hope a Thon at Wall of Yarn with the Yarn Guys
Halos of Hope a Thon at Wall of Yarn with the Yarn Guys

Halos of Hope a Thon at Wall of Yarn with the Yarn Guys, Dennis and Jeffrey, in Freeport, IL, next week, was the event we’ve gathered around the mic to hear about on the Yarn Thing podcast with Marly Bird.
We’ve recently met the Yarn Guys, just last summer, they are diving in head first into the fiber industry. They’ve become sponsors of the Stitches Events, and now they are hosting the Halos of Hope a Thon. This isn’t the first 24-hour marathon knitting event like this, there were earlier events hosted by Purlescence Yarn in California, but since that shop has closed, sadly, there hasn’t been another such event. Thankfully, Dennis and Jeffrey have offered their shop to host this overnight marathon, laced with TONS of extra.
Classes and Lectures by Franklin Habit at the nearby Wagner House are the creamy filling to this event. On Friday, he will be sharing his presentation Impractical Magic: Oddities and Curiosities of Weldon’s Practical Needlework, then teaching Introduction to the History, Methods, and Styles of Lace Knitting, and Introduction to the History, Methods, and Styles of Lace Knitting on Saturday. In addition to that, two awesome and smart designer/teachers that we love, Jen Lucas and Laura Krzak will also be in attendance. How sweet will it be to sit with them, learn from them, compete with them to see who can get more hats done!
All of this is for Halos of Hope, we’ve featured this wonderful charity on the program a few times, also. Pam Haschke, on Yarn Thing podcast. Her organization finds ways of getting hats to locations where cancer patients might choose one. We create hats, knitted, crocheted, sewn fleecy soft hats, they also collect dollar donations to help with shipping costs, and the hats find their way to those who need a little comfort, a little pick-me-up. Check out their website: www.HalosofHope.org for patterns (mostly for sale to help raise funds to ship), opportunities to volunteer and the BEyond contest StevenBe mentioned last time.
For more information about this event happening next week, on the July 21st and 22nd, see the website.
Categories: Podcast
Great to hear about such an awesome event. All the folks making it happen deserve halos for their amazing efforts
Knitting with glitter is magic. So enjoyed the podcast. Sure hope I win a prize.
These guys all deserve halos for their open hearts! Loved it!
I’m so glad you are taking this on. I hope to knit many halos for people, so they know they are loved
Halos of Hope A Thon is such a great idea. I loved learning a bit about Dennis and Jeffrey. Wish I could be at the event in person.
I enjoyed hearing about the Halos of Hope a Thon. If I win, I’ll use the yarn to knit a hat for the Yarn Guys.
The pajama party sounds like fun, Maybe some will end up wearing halos as well as pajamas!
I’ve never knit a hat for Halos of Hope, so maybe this a-thon is exactly what I need to get started!
I wish I were in the area for Halos of Hope, but I will be keeping an eye on things virtually!
The Yarn Guys deserve halos for their help with Halos of Hope.
So enjoyed listening to this podcast featuring the Halos of Hope and the Yarn Guys. Glad I have a craft (crochet) that is able to help those in need.
My Machine knitting Guild donates well over 300+ hats every year and growing to Halos of Hope at Stitches. It is truly a great cause. The yarn guys, as well as everyone else in the industry, all do such a wonderful job of supporting this cause. It is okay to put a bit of glitter and personality in the hats. Quite a few people embrace their illness in different ways and like the opportunity to express their individuality during a tough time. Great podcast. Thank you again
If could I would give you all halos for the good work you do!
Thank you, Yarn Guys, Marly, Tammy, and all contributing to this wonderful project. Halos for all concerned!
Knitters and crocheters regularly make items for donation. They earn halos many times over.
I enjoyed this podcast with the Yarn Guys! It has motivated me to start making hats for Halos of Hope!
Halos of Hope A Thon is an AMAZING idea! This is such a worth while cause. I enjoyed hearing how this event is evolving and growing.
I think the Yarn Guys deserve halos for the amazing work they are doing for this great charity! They made me wish I lived in the Midwest so I could come participate.
I am so pleased to hear about Halos of Hope. I recently finished treatments for breast cancer. When I was able to do it, knitting hats kept me sane. I noticed that no one had donated hats to the cancer center where I was treated. Even though I could knit my own hat, it would have meant a lot to me if someone had donated hats. I also understand about skin being more sensitive. The first hat I knitted used supplies I had purchased before diagnosis. It required felting, and the wool- alpaca blend had felt so soft when I bought it, but I could not wear it during chemo. Winter feels much colder when you do not have hair. Since treatment I have donated a couple of hats to the center, but it is good to hear about a larger group that can do more.
Halos of Hope is such a great organization, I love getting update on hat they are up to!
Thank you for your hard work for Halos of Hope. I plan on sending some hats along as well.
What a great interview with Halos of Hope and the Yarn Guys. Love them and I will be sending them several knit hats soon.
I loved learning more about Halos of Hope.
I loved hearing about Halos of Hope. It seems like they are doing great work.
The work you are doing is awesome, Yarn Guys! I will crochet hats for Halos!
Knitting soft beautiful halos for those in need is one of my projects during Lent.
I was so motivated by The Yarn Guys’ Halos of Hope event that I’m comitting my knitting group to donate. Great cause, great work Halos!
What a great episode! It has motivated me to start making hats for Halos of Hope!