
Free Crochet Pattern: Crochet Holiday Mini Stocking Ornament

This Quick Holiday Crochet Mini Stocking Ornament is a great quick project for any crocheter! Using less than 100 yards of yarn in any color, this project is quick and cheap to make! And it’s a fast-make gift for a teacher, doctor, boss, in-law, or friend! 🙂 Hang it on your Christmas tree, create an advent garland, stuff treats inside, or use it as a gift card cover!

Theres even a YouTube video by Marly with a few tips and tricks to help you master this Quick Holiday Mini Stocking!

Gentle Reminder: It has come to my attention that many people are unaware that free patterns still have copyrights. It is NOT LEGAL to distribute ANY patterns, free or paid. I ask that if you like the pattern and want to tell your friends, you share the link to the pattern (found here: https://marlybird.com/free-crochet-pattern-holiday-mini-stocking). Sharing the link allows me to make a little money via advertising. This allows me to keep designing fun and free patterns.

Thanks so much!

Bring the cozy charm of handmade crafts to your holiday decor with our Mini Crochet Christmas Stocking Ornament Pattern! Designed for crafters who cherish the personal touch, this pattern guides you through creating an enchanting miniature stocking. It’s sure to become a treasured part of your festive trimmings.

Text: Free pattern and video tutorial - Quick Holiday Mini Stockings - Marly Bird. Image: Close-up of crochet holiday mini stocking hanging on ligthed Christmas tree

 Craft Level: Adventurous Beginner

Unleash the magic of the holiday season with our delightful mini stocking ornament crochet pattern. This adventurous beginner-level pattern is meticulously crafted to ensure you can recreate the festive charm with ease. Each stitch is a note in a holiday symphony, coming together to form a whimsical, striped stocking with a classic ribbed cuff.

Whether you’re continuing a cherished tradition or starting a new one, this pattern will help you create a heartfelt ornament to invoke the spirit of Christmas. They’re perfect for your tree and make thoughtful handmade gifts, party favors, or charming additions to your holiday table setting.

Embrace the joy of the season. Add a touch of handcrafted love to your celebrations with our Mini Crochet Christmas Stocking Ornament Pattern.

An ornately decorated Christmas tree bathed in warm lights, crowned with a majestic angel dressed in a glittering red gown with white fur trim and expansive feathered wings. The tree is adorned with a collection of festive ornaments: red and silver baubles, pink bows, and shimmering ribbons cascade among the branches. Notably, a mini crochet stocking ornament in vibrant red, green, and white stripes hangs prominently, adding a unique, handcrafted touch to the traditional holiday decor. A rustic 'FAMILY' sign in the background adds a homey, loving atmosphere to the scene. - Marly Bird

Quick Crochet Holiday Mini Stocking Ornament


Approx: 6″ tall and 6 1/4″ circumference


16 sts = 4″ in single crochet



Red Heart, “Soft” (100% acrylic,  256 yds/141g), any three colors.  Colors used in the holiday sample are Cherry Red, Dark Leaf, Guacamole

Crochet Hook

US size G/7  (4.0 mm) or size to obtain gauge.

Crochet Notions

  • Removable Stitch Markers (Marly uses these)
  • Tapestry Needle
  • Decorative Button (optional)
  • Sewing Thread and Needle (optional)

Stitches Used (and YouTube Video links to help you learn)

Quick Crochet Holiday Mini Stocking Ornament: Pattern Instructions

Toe of Holiday Mini Stocking Ornament

With CA (sample is cherry red) and using a magic loop, ch 1, sc 6 times in ring, join with a sl st into the first sc to begin working in the round.

Round 1: Ch 1, working in the Back Loop Only (BLO, now and throughout) 2 sc in each sc around, join with a sl st to the first sc–12 sc.

Round 2: Ch 1, in BLO, *  sc, 2 sc in next st; rep from * around, join with a sl st into the first sc–18 sc.

Round 3: Ch 1, in BLO, * sc in 2 sts, 2 sc in next st; rep from * around, join with a sl st into the first sc–24 sc.

Round 4: No increase, work around even. ch 1, in BLO sc in each stitch around, join with a sl st into the first sc.

Round 5: No increase, working around even, ch 1, in BLO sc in each stitch around, join with a sl st into the first sc changing to the next color.

A vibrant, hand-crocheted Christmas stocking ornament hangs from the lush branches of a festively lit tree, its red, green, and black stripes popping against the backdrop of twinkling lights. To its left, a reflective Santa Claus bauble mirrors the joy of the season, and the soft glow of the Christmas lights casts a warm, inviting ambiance. The ornament's intricate stitches and festive colors showcase the care and skill that went into its creation, symbolizing the heartfelt warmth of holiday traditions. A watermark of a whimsical bird, representing Marly Bird's brand, is discreetly placed in the bottom right, adding a touch of whimsy. - Marly Bird


With CB (sample guacamole)

Round 1: Ch 1, in BLO, sc in each stitch around, join with a sl st into the first sc.

Round 2: Ch 1, in BLO, sc in each stitch around, join with a sl st into the first sc changing to the next color.

With CC (sample dark leaf)

Round 3: Ch 1, in BLO, sc in each stitch around, join with a sl st into the first sc.

Round 4: Ch 1, in BLO, sc in each stitch around, join with a sl st into the first sc changing to the next color.

With CB (sample guacamole)

Round 5: Ch 1, in BLO, sc in each stitch around, join with a sl st into the first sc.

Round 6: Ch 1, in BLO, sc in each stitch around, join with a sl st into the first sc. Finish off.

Graphic image for the knit and crochet gift list - Marly Bird


With CC (sample dark leaf)

Set up round 1: Ch 6, skip 6 sc’s on the foot of the stocking and join with a standing single crochet in the BLO to the next sc on the foot, sc in the next 11 sts, ch 6, join with a sl to the first ch to work in the rnd–12 ch’s 12 sc’s

Set up round 2: Rnd 1: Ch 1, sc in each ch, in BLO, sc in next 12 sc, sc in each ch, join with a sl st into the first sc changing to the next color–24 sc’s.

With CB (sample guacamole)

Round 1: Ch 1, in BLO, sc in each stitch around, join with a sl st into the first sc.

Round 2: Ch 1, in BLO, sc in each stitch around, join with a sl st into the first sc changing to the next color.

With CC (sample dark leaf)

Round 3: Ch 1, in BLO, sc in each stitch around, join with a sl st into the first sc.

Round 4: Ch 1, in BLO, sc in each stitch around, join with a sl st into the first sc changing to the next color.

With CB (sample guacamole)

Round 5: Ch 1, in BLO, sc in each stitch around, join with a sl st into the first sc.

Round 6: Ch 1, in BLO, sc in each stitch around, join with a sl st into the first sc changing to the next color.

Trim Your Holiday Mini Stocking

With CA (sample cherry red)

Round 1: Ch 1, in BLO, sc in each stitch around, join with a sl st into the first sc.

Round 2: Ch 1, in BOTH LEGS OF THE STITCH work the crab stitch (reverse single crochet) around, at the last stitch ch 4 to 6 for the loop to hang the stocking,  join with a sl st to the first sc. Finish off.

Tip: Take the time to weave in your tails now!

WANT MORE? Learn how to make MORE stockings in a course you will absolutely LOVE! Join us in the Merry Stitchmas Knit and Crochet Holiday Stockings! And it’s all inside the MarlyBirdHouse.com!

Promotional graphic showcasing the comprehensive "Merry Stitchmas Knit & Crochet Stockings" course offered by Marly Bird. The image features a collection of digital resources for craft enthusiasts, including two crochet pattern templates, four bonus stocking patterns, and Hanukkah charts for personalized creations. A knit pattern template is also highlighted, along with more bonus patterns to expand crafting possibilities. The central focus is a laptop screen displaying a video workshop, suggesting interactive, step-by-step instruction. Additional elements include an interactive chart tool on a tablet, a chart stitchionary with over 50 charts for varied designs, and the Marly Bird House Course for an immersive learning experience. The layout is designed for easy navigation, with each resource clearly labeled and presented in an appealing, organized manner, indicating a well-rounded educational package for knitting and crochet enthusiasts.
"Stitchmas" written in a flowing, cursive script in a vibrant red. The text is set against a plain black background, giving a bold and festive contrast. The font style is elegant and playful, suggesting a creative blend of stitching or needlework with the joyous Christmas season. - Marly Bird

Afterthought Heel

Have the RS and bottom of the foot facing you with the space for the heel visible.

With CA (sample cherry red)

Set-up Round 1: Place a slip knot on the hook and in BLO join the yarn with a standing sc at the center of the stitches for the foot. (You’ll be working into CB), sc in next 5 sts, (this will put you at the corner of the heel) 2 sc in the corner, 12 sc into next 12 stitches on the leg (you will be at the corner of the heel) 2 sc in the corner, 6 sc into next 6 sts, join with a sl st into the first sc–28 sc’s.

Round 1: Ch 1, in BLO, * 2 sc, sc2tog; rep from * around, join with a sl st to first sc–7 sts decreased–21 sc’s.

Round 2: Ch 1, in BLO, sc2tog around to last sc, sc in last stitch, join with a sl st to first sc–11 sc’s.

Round 3: Ch 1, in BLO, sc2tog around to last sc, sc in last stitch, join with a sl st to first sc–6 sc’s.

Finish off leaving a long tail.

Thread tail into a tapestry needle, working into Front Loop Only or Back Loop Only (in the video I show the FLO), thread tail through all the stitches remaining. Pull tail like a drawstring to close hole.

Weave in the tail to the inside of the stocking.

Have no fear! If you need a little more help or explanation on how to make this stocking, watch the video! I take you through each part of the stocking, so there are no problems. 😉

That’s it! Super easy! Make your mini stocking in many different colors…to stuff with gift cards for birthdays, celebrations, or holidays.

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Marly Bird

The One and Only, Marly

Marly is a knitwear and crochet designer (and yarn addict) that is here to help you learn how to knit and crochet in a way that's fun and approachable.

Meet Marly

Knitting & Crochet Patterns for Every Mood
A cartoon image of a joyful chicken, sitting comfortably in a green armchair, knitting happily with blue yarn, surrounded by pink and white flowers, looking for DIY project ideas. -Marly Bird

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A colorful illustration of a white rabbit with a unicorn horn, nestled among multi-colored leaves arranged like a fan behind it, projects every mood of peacefulness and whimsy. -Marly Bird

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A whimsical illustration of a white chicken adorned with pink flowers and light pink butterflies, featuring flowing tail feathers and a playful pose, all set against a simple white background, perfect for mood-based projects. -Marly Bird

Smooth Jazz

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