BiCrafty Bootcamp Is Back! Get Your Crochet Supplies Now
At the beginning of last year, we launched BiCrafty Bootcamp: Beginner Knitting Lessons for Crocheters. Then in the fall, we began the series of lessons for Knitters to Learn How to Crochet. However, fall got busy, and we all paused after seven lessons to get our bearings. But now, BiCrafty Bootcamp is back. We start up again in less than two weeks, and we’ve got your materials list ready so that you can order your supplies now. And it’s not too late to join us if you’re new and want to learn to crochet!!
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What Is BiCrafty Bootcamp: Beginner Crochet Lessons for Knitters?
This is a series of weekly lessons that will teach you how to crochet from the ground up. It’s got bonus tips for knitters so that they can use their knitting skills to facilitate becoming bicrafty. However, if you don’t knit or crochet, you can still learn to crochet with these lessons.
BiCrafty Bootcamp offers weekly blog posts that teach you the next lesson in your crochet journey. These posts also include patterns to help you practice. Plus, we do weekly YouTube live lessons to supplement your crochet education and connect with you!
Learn all about BiCrafty Bootcamp here. That post has all of the links to the past lessons, the patterns we’ve used, and the videos we’ve done to date.
Where Do I Begin? When Does BiCrafty Bootcamp Return?
Were you already a part of BiCrafty Bootcamp Crochet last year? If so, then the next thing that you need to do is order your supplies. We’ve got that list for you below. Then you just need to mark your calendar for Thursday, February 3, 2022 because that’s when lessons resume!
If you’re brand new to BiCrafty Bootcamp, then you’ll want to review the lessons above so that you can catch up with us. They’ll teach you the basic crochet stitches, how to read crochet symbol charts, and more. Also SIGN UP HERE to receive our reminder newsletters for BiCrafty Bootcamp Crochet Lessons. Then join us on February 3, 2022 as we resume our lessons!

Gather Your Materials!
Here is a list of the yarn that you’ll need in order to complete the next eight weeks of BiCrafty Bootcamp:
- Week 9 – any worsted scrap yarn will work!
- Week 10 – Swish DK You will definitely need 4 skeins of 1 color for the project that week. However, we will offer bonus patterns for purchase to make a matching accessory set. Therefore, if you want to make the set you’ll need 8 skeins of 1 color. Main project: 4 skeins; Bonus 1: 2 skeins; Bonus 2: 2 skeins
- Week 11 – Wonderfluff Get two balls of one color for this week’s project.
- Week 12 – Cotlin . This is a colorful project! Color A (main color): 6; Color B: 1 ball; Color C: 1 ball; Color D: 1 ball; Color E: 1 ball; Color F: 1 ball ; Color G: 1 ball NOTE: We will be making a bag this week, so you also have the option of purchasing purse handles for this! Check out this awesome small business I love to get those!
- Week 13 – Swish Worsted . This is a two-color project: Color A (main color): 5 skeins, Color B: 2 skeins
- Week 14 – Wool of the Andes Superwash For this one, you can do either a 3-color project or a 5-color project, Either way, you’ll get one ball in each color. So … 3 colors: 1 ball each or 5 colors 1 ball each
- Week 15 – Billow You’ll need seven skeins total for this project. Main color: 5 skeins, Contrasting color: 2 skeins
Categories: Crochet