Craftlit Podcast with Heather Ordover
Craftlit Podcast with Heather Ordover was the featured guest today for PODCASTER NOVEMBER on the Yarn Thing Podcast with Marly Bird.
Grandmother taught Heather to knit, grandmother also did cross-stitching and tatting. In fact, Heather says all of her family were handcrafters, the women did all the fiber arts, men were crafty woodworkers too. ‘It all kinda came to a head’ she says,”after 9/11″ when the high school she taught at in New York City was one of the three schools evacuated that day. Later, she was knitting during lunch and some of her students asked to learn. She arranged for after-school time lessons and 48 girls and boys showed up. She was able to share that experience with Brenda Dayne on the Cast-On Podcast (amazing how often this wonderful program has come up already!) and that essay led directly to Craftlit. She began the weekly podcast after she had quit teaching and was home with her kids and writing for a living—the first episode aired at the end of April 2006.
Later, she was knitting during lunch and some of her students asked to learn. She arranged for after-school time lessons and 48 girls and boys showed up. She was able to share that experience with Brenda Dayne on the Cast-On Podcast (amazing how often this wonderful program has come up already!) and that essay led directly to Craftlit. She began the weekly podcast after she had quit teaching and was home with her kids and writing for a living—the first episode aired at the end of April 2006
Prepwork for the podcast is about 10-20 hours a week, but includes both the FREE Craftlit show (airs every Friday at about 3pm Eastern) and the weekly Premium Membership Audio which just finished Sherlock Holmes’ first adventure A Study in Scarlett by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Nowadays, Heather can use professional readers for the books giving listeners an accurate dramatic portrayal of the text—hearing things pronounced correctly has been a learning experience for me! (Heather agrees: “its one the things that makes me REALLY happy about the show’s content and what we can bring listeners.”)
There is an active Ravelry group that discusses the current reads and offers suggestions for other books they would like to hear. There is also Facebook Page and Public Group. Click the Craftlit graphic above to visit the website, don’t forget to bookmark it when you get there.
Heather has also written a young adult novel, that is the first of a trilogy called Grounded: The Seven Series featuring a first person, who is a knitter with some undiscovered talents to learn about! (I’m really afraid to say more than that, because I’ve read it and don’t want to give too much away. LOVED IT! and can’t wait for the next in the series.) There were eight patterns for SOCKS created for the characters in the books too, you’ll have to check those out.
This is not the first time Heather has visited with Marly on the Yarn Thing podcast, she was there Jan 10th, 2012.
Categories: Podcast
Thanks, ladies, for a truly magnificent podcast! I will be checking out craftlit soon, as it is just what I was looking for, but didn’t know existed until reading Marly’s blog!
“Grounded” sounds like it would be a magnificent book.
Lmecoll on Ravelry
A most magnificent interview. I will be investigating both your patterns and podcast, Heather.
Heather, I read grounded. It was terrific! I am waiting impatiently for book two. I love craft lit, I think it is Magnificent. Thank you Marley for a great interview. RAD in NH
Thank you Radinnh! Shattered (the sequel to Grounded) is perking along! And the next CraftLit book starts Friday (Herland)! WHOOT!
Listening to my 2 favorite podcasters made for a magnificent hour of running errands! What a treat and definitely worth the wait!
Duloveyarn on ravelry 🙂
Heather does Magnificent work with Craftlit. I listen whenever I am able. Thank you Heather.
I believe that Heather always does a magnificent job researching the books she covers and finding great resources for her listeners. Thanks Marly for bringing her on 🙂
Every now and then I’m reminded of a word Iike magnificent. It’s a splendid substitute for the word “great” when asked, “How are you?” I really enjoyed learning about Heather’s history as a knitter and teacher. I was teaching on the Upper East Side on 9/11 and it was around that time that my knitting picked up tremendously. Thank you both for podcasting.
Did you notice how many knitters suddenly appeared on the subway after 9/11?! (I love magnificent AND splendid!)
That was a magnificent interview with Heather.
thank you both, magnificent podcasters!
I love all of your magnificent guests, I learn so much for your podcast. Thank you for getting the word out!!
This sounds like a magnificent podcast. This is a great concept to combine both literature and crafting. And not to mention that Pride and Prejudice was done along with Persuasion makes me want to listen to both right away. Thank-you for a great show.
Magnificent-ly done, as always!
Marley, you interview the most magnificent people on your show! Thanks to Tammy for suggesting podcaster month. I’m really enjoying these interviews.
What a magnificent interview as Heather shared her love of knitting and literature. It was fascinating. Thanks Marly for such great podcasts.
I have that podcast loaded up and ready for a listen, right next to the magnificent Marly!! Thanks for the podcast 🙂
Thank you Marly for another magnificent show. I love it. I love the way things connect – not sure if that is the right word. But – I preordered Hunter Hammersen’s latest book Curls. Today I got the eversion and read bits and pieces and came across Heather’s name in thank you part. Wait I have seen that name where? Oh yes “The Yarn Podcast.” So happy that I listened in. My two favorites are knitting and reading. Really happy I found her through you. Thanks again. Heading over to Craft Lit now. Stay warm. Cold and windy in NJ.
The podcast was great! I love reading classic literature so I will definitely be checking out CraftLit. The fact that Heather gives you background info about the author and time period is magnificent!
I truly think that the CraftLit podcast is MAGNIFICENT!!!!! I have been listening to at least one episode every day since discovering it on Marly’s podcast. I absolutely love it!!!
Heather you are magnificent. I have listened to Craft-lit since the beginning and was on the London, bath and wales tour.
HI SHARI! (You’re pretty magnificent, too!)
Craftlit sounds magnificent and I can’t believe I’ve never heard of it before! I’m also really interested in checking out Heather’s book series, I love reading all things YA 🙂